
hi there

I have Psoriatic Arthritis and yesterday had my first session of Infliximab. My arthritis has been really bad of late and hoping this will work as the last 2 have not. I have lived with PA since i was 20 and i am now 43 anyone else in here living with PA or on Infliximab ?

Look forward to hearing from you



  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,109

    Hi @AngelaB and welcome to the online community!

    Having lived with psoriatic arthritis for over 20 years, you're now about to start on a session of Infliximab, something you haven’t tried before. Many of our members have PA and no doubt some have experience of this relatively new biological therapy and will share their experiences with you. You could start by typing ‘psoriatic arthritis’ or ‘ infliximab’ into the search bar in the left hand corner to see what other discussions there have been around it.

    There’s a page in the Versus Arthritis website on PA and it also talks about infliximab (under the ‘Treatment’ section). Here’s the link - you might find it useful:

    Best wishes to you and do let us know how you get on,

    Anna : )

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