Send Strength

Brynmor Member Posts: 1,755
edited 10. Nov 2020, 09:43 in Living with arthritis

World Arthritis Day 12th October: Send Strength 💪

Today is World Arthritis Day, and we’re encouraging everyone to share a message of strength. We want each person with arthritis to know that our community is with them whenever they need it. Because society dismisses arthritis as ‘just aches and pains’ or ‘just a bit of wear and tear’, people often don’t recognise the strength it takes to live with arthritis. 

Arthritis is a daily challenge and, with life feeling so uncertain at the moment, all of us need strength to live well.

Post your message below and lets build a great discussion that will lift all of us when we are feeling the need for extra strength


  • YvonneH
    YvonneH Member Posts: 1,075
    edited 5. Oct 2020, 09:46

    Sending strength and hope to all who need it - come and join with us and we will have your back. We can listen and understand, we can offer help and support - or we can walk beside you when you need a friend.

    With love from all the mod and admin teams.

    xxxx (((())))

  • Sharon_K
    Sharon_K Member Posts: 460

    we all know what good and bad days mean to us. The best thing is knowing there are people out there who truly understand how you feel and what you are going through. Knowing that gave me such strength in the early days. Today I pass some strength on to all of you. Oh and a smiling lamb 😊


  • Sharon_K
    Sharon_K Member Posts: 460

    A message from @kathleenT

    My connection to Arthritis

    well, I'm greedy as I Have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis,. Can I donate my rubbish bones and joints to somebody? Anybody would do. I shan't miss them at all!

    I hope you don't mind me sharing these - again.


    Elbows bent, can't straighten them,

    hands are throbbing, feel the pain.

    Knees are stiff and ankles ache,

    hips won't move, trapped nerves again!

    RA is gnawing through my joints

    the meds they gave me just don't touch.

    It feels like someone's driving nails

    and every movement hurts so much.

    If only I could rant and rave

    but energy - I have none left.

    My Sjogren's makes my mouth so dry

    and dry eyes ache, they need to rest.


    I take tablets

    every day,

    do they work?

    I couldn't say.

    I've bits that hurt

    and bits that don't,

    bits that move

    and bits that won't!

    Sore bits.

    spreading in a patch.

    Itchy bits,

    that I MUST scratch.


    Muscles, joints, bones and skin,

    on the outside and within.

    Lips and tongue,

    teeth and jaw,

    eyes and nostrils,

    all are sore.

    Maybe pills are just a token.

    They can't mend me

    I'm too broken!

    Kathleen T

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224

    To anyone who is suffering at the moment from someone who understands......please take some of my strength and love. A shoulder to lean, on a hand to hold and an ear to listen. This wonderful community((()))

  • Sharon_K
    Sharon_K Member Posts: 460

    Today, we tell the world that it’s not just aches and pains.

    Today, we raise awareness.

    Today, we #sendstrength to everyone affected by arthritis.

    This #WorldArthritisDay leave your message of strength and support below. We stand together in pushing back against the pain, fatigue and isolation of arthritis.

  • wazz42
    wazz42 Member Posts: 233

    Thinking of everyone today,

    if you need strength - I will share

    if you need an ear - I will listen

    if you need a hug, very gently ((((()))))

    if you have run out of spoons - here you go 🥄🥄🥄

    and most of all - love❤️

  • golfpro1
    golfpro1 Member Posts: 2

    good luck to everyone with OA...mine in right hip primary...sever pain now daily, mobility next to none

    cant walk very far, only thing I can do is swim...just hope Covid doesnt mean closure of my local pool/gym...otherwise back to where i was after full lockdown....up a creak without a paddle....5 months with little or no exercise.....good to get back in the pool once it reopened, and even more glad they have just reopened the steam room....its bliss to lean against a red hot tiled wall, brings so much relief to my hip...

    i need it doing but cant face the thought of the surgury, let alone the possible side effects of surgury...but I'm stupid...or so i am life is currently on hold....

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224

    Good luck to you too @golfpro1

    Swimming is fabulous - if you like heat do you use a warm wheatbag against your hip/back to ease things? Just a thought.

    There are many stories of people here who have had hip surgery to maybe reassure you and get you back playing golf!

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Late in as usual, but I also send strength to any of our members who need a little extra support just now.

    Best wishes


  • historynut
    historynut Member Posts: 28

    Keep strong everybody, it might seem dark now, but there is always a dawn.

    Make self care important and take time for yourselves. We are in this together so we need to stay strong as a group.

  • We have good days and bad days. The important thing to remember on bad days is that eventually you get to a good day, or at the very least a day that is less bad.

    We must lean on each other.


  • Al
    Al Member Posts: 169

    Hi and welcome to the forums,perhaps you could tell us more about yourself.


  • wazz42
    wazz42 Member Posts: 233

    Hi @Hildegarde

    What a lovely first post, sharing strength with all who share our conditions.

    I'd like to send some strength too, it can seem very hard, especially at the beginning of your journey but your days will soon become less bad, and with acceptance will become much better than you thought possible.

    Take care

    Wazz x

  • CatLady1
    CatLady1 Member Posts: 64

    Sending support and empathy to all who have any type of arthritis and related conditions. Stay positive and smile it helps no only you but those you meet during your day. Take care and stay safe.

    Chris xx

  • Moira
    Moira Member Posts: 116

    Hi folks,

    Even if you need a new skeleton (like me) - look out of your window and see the colours of the trees. Take a minute to think of how the tree moves in the breeze. And if you sway a little on your creaky joints - think of how the tree sways and just say, "I'm as good as you mate!" Even if you can move a little it's better than nothing and you are just like a tree swaying in the autumn with its glorious clolours.

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Well Hi @Moira

    What a lovely first post from you! Thank you so much. Welcome to the Online Community from me.

    Please do join in wherever you wish everyone is really friendly and welcoming tell us a little about yourself if you feel comfortable.

    I am sending strength back to you 🙂

    Best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,224

    Hi @Moira

    A whole new skeleton?! well keep an eye out for one going past on 31st😁 Lovely positive way of looking at things and very nice to meet you 🙂

  • Kazza52
    Kazza52 Member Posts: 74

    Stay safe and stay positive we will all get through this.