What is the best medication for chronic pain relief?

Currently on Naproxen 250mg but have been told this is not a long term medication due to the side effects it could have. It helps immensely with my mobility ie., no pain in my hips and lower back. I need a suggestion to take to my GP as they seem reluctant to prescribe anything other than Opioid drugs which I cannot tolerate.


  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,100

    Hi @Krystyna and welcome to the online community,

    You asked about pain relief for pain in your hips and lower back as you have been told that naproxen is not a long term medication. I’m sure members can suggest helpful tips for easing arthritic pain, but prescribed medicine is such a personal thing that it’s not something that can be recommended by someone else. It can depend on the type of arthritis that you have and also your tolerance to particular medication. Do you have Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid?

    The only way to find out what works for you is to discuss it with your doctor or consultant. There are many types of pain relief available and it might be a question of trial and error but eventually you and your doctor will hopefully find the one that suits you.

    Meanwhile, Here’s a link to the Versus Arthritis website that looks at managing pain. It discusses the various treatments available as well as some self-help remedies:

    Please let us know how you are getting on,

    Anna : )

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    I have tried every med over the years for my OA and am left with Morphine but even that only knocks the edge off.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,026

    Hi @Krystyna

    I am glad GPs are not prescribing non steroid anti inflammatories, (NSAID), long-term any more. I have real problems with my stomach due to having taken brufen, (Ibuprofen), for far too many years and on an empty stomach. Nowadays Drs will often prescribe something else along side NSAIDs - Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) which protect the stomach from the effects. I still have to take lansoprazole 30mg daily because of damage done to mine.

    I also take a different kind of NSAID which is a COX2 type and less of an issue for me. I do tend only to take it as an when though.

    At one point I tried Gabapentin, (an anti epileptic drug), which can help. Didn't for me. Also Amitriptyline, (at high doses and Anti-depressant), to take at night. I think the theory behind that is that it relaxes the muscles and eases pain while you sleep and has the advantage of giving you a better night's sleep too.

    Is your problem with the opioid medications that they make you feel woozy and out of your tree? They do that to me too although if taken long term you do get used to them. I never underestimate the power of paracetamol - sometimes it's enough although by no means always. I am also prescribed Bu-tec which is an opioid medication, but comes in a 7 day patch. This can be started at a very low dose and after a day I found I felt totally normal. the big advantage is that it works day and night.

    Hopefully some others will come along with things they have tried. I find pain relief very much a case of trial and error.

    Do let us know how you get on

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    I'm with frogmorton. Anti-inflamms did for my stomach too.

    You will probably have found the section on pain that Mod Anne gave very useful. I use exercises and distraction as much as possible. 'Painkillers' are a last resort but they have their place and it's a useful one at times. A Pain Clinic might help.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,750
    edited 30. Sep 2020, 15:42

    I'm on Naproxen with omeprazole to protect my tum. I've avoided anti-inflamms all my life as I've always been prone to heartburn type problems, but I've been ok so far. I'm on prescription cocodamol as well, but I take as few as I feel I can get away with, if only to reduce the constipation that goes with it, and is an absolute pain to manage. Even so, I'm never pain free, but I don't see that as an achievable goal anyway. I just take enough for the day to be bearable.

  • Patsyfriar
    Patsyfriar Member Posts: 5

    Hello everyone I'm a newbie to this forum any forum actually I have arthritis in both feet have had right foot fused unfortunately unsuccessful I was taking dihydrocodeine but it no longer helps Any advice 🌝

  • Chris_R
    Chris_R Moderator Posts: 834

    Hi @Patsyfriar

    I have already welcomed you on Hello and given you a link if you could look at the comment it would be good.If the Dihydrocodeine doesn't work I would advice you to go back to your GP and try to work your medication out with them so you would get pain relief,

    Please let us know how you get on Christine

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,471

    I suppose that laughter is the best medicine and those that look for Drugs to be better may be disappointed in their performance. The answer that our own minds are best doesn’t seem to have wings, a Pain Clinic course might help to change opinions? Reliance on drugs is always going to be a temporary thing because of the bodies tolerance to them.

    As far as I’m aware there is a large movement to stop GP’s from prescribing painkillers and thereby stop patients reliance on drugs to stop pain. I do know that many GP’s have yet to go on the course to learn more about Drugs and how to use them. I expect the Covid-19 virus will have a hand in that. Patients expectations need to change, their constant need for an answer to their woes may end in disappointment and education will be needed to stop a slide towards search’s outside of medical opinion such as those available on-line? Or on street corners? How many questions a week appear on this forum for what I can only describe as ‘snake medicine’ by people grasping at straws and ready to believe in false claims?

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,026

    Hi @Patsyfriar

    So sorry your foot fusion didn't help. I would strongly urge you to go to a pain clinic if you can. I don't go for pain-free myself - just manageable. The last thing you want is to be unable to walk as that brings on it's own issues for our health.

    Also that way you will know you have tried everything. ((()))