Severely bent over

I am very bent over in posture bitlike this chap am waiting for 2nd hip replacement but i am told my bent over posture is muscular but i am probably beyond exercise to lengthen the muscles . is there an operation that can help ???tenotomy


  • Hi lotsofpain and thank you for your post to the Helpline.

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been told that it may not be possible to lengthen the muscles. I'm not sure which health professional has given you that information. You can always discuss with your GP the possibility of getting a referral to a specialist for a second opinion.

    Depending which muscles have the issue, may affect what kind of referral might be helpful.

    When you contact us at Versus Arthritis we can give you support and general information, but because we are not medically qualified we can't give you a medical opinion.

    You would be most welcome to ring us at the Helpline if you'd like to talk things over in more detail, ask some questions or have some support. Our number is 0800 5200 520 9am-8pm Mon-Fri.

    Best wishes

    Guy - Helpline Team