Back neck and shoulder advice


I have had bad back for many years and no fibromyalgia. But now been told it’s Arthritis. Waiting to have bone scan. As. Anyone had this I have been in a lot of pain this week my shoulder and neck as been terrible and pain on my bone at top of my arm as very stiff pain going down my arm to my hand is this normal. It’s very worried the pain is worse at the top of body than the bottom my as been very hard to move without pain plus it’s come round to the front bone under my chin the neck bone could you give me so advise please thank you.

Tracey I


  • Brynmor
    Brynmor Member Posts: 1,755

    Hi @Happy61 and welcome to the Online Community.

    I also have a long term back pain that varies daily but luckily hasn't developed into the level that yours has. No one here is medically qualified and so you will need to wait for the outcome from the scan, and then hopefully diagnosis and prescription of supporting medication from your doctor to help manage the pain.

    Having said that, there is some good advice on pain management, possible treatments and helpful exercises for back pain that may prove useful:

    I try to do gentle exercise when things are bad, especially stretching the painful locked muscles, plus making sure I sit really properly for the day when I can't do much.

    Do let us know how you get on and come back to ask any questions, give advice or just to chat and tell us how your day has gone. We do understand and this is a great place to come and say when things aren't good and you need to talk to someone.

    All best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658

    Hi @Happy61

    hello and welcome to the forum from me.

    Like you and Brynmor I have had long term back pain. I had surgery a good few years ago which helped a lot to be fair, but it still isn't right and I also have cervical spondylitis so my neck likes to join in too.

    Your scans are what you need now to find out exactly what is going on for you I can really sympathise.

    When I am in trouble I use a variety of things to help such as stretches and walk every day if possible even if not too far. I am oten to be found with several warm wheatbags positions on various parts of my neck and back. They really help as does taking my prescribed pain relief as i should do.

    Do hang around people here are lovely. Have a look and join in anywhere. Distraction is also a good pain relief method!

    Take care