Pain relief

Freda1100 Member Posts: 9
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:05 in Living with arthritis

Hi I was diagnosed with arthritis two years ago. My pain killers dont seem to be working any more and I am in constant pain. My doctor says there is only a high strength cocodamol what they can prescribe I was wondering what pain killersotjer people are on please.


  • Brynmor
    Brynmor Member Posts: 1,755

    Hi @Freda1100 and welcome to the Online Community, lovely to have you here.

    I understand that you have had a diagnosis of arthritis and for the past two years have been on a course of general painkillers to try to manage the pain.

    It may be worth asking for a referral to a specialist Pain Clinic or getting a referral to a consultant rheumatologist who may be able to prescribe a further course of treatment that may help. Our web site has a useful page on the general management of pain and what you can do to manage this:

    Do tell us a little more about your diagnosis and treatment so that we can help. No one here is medically qualified so cannot give direct medical advice but we can help with recounting our own experiences and suggest what you might like to try.

    Looking forward to seeing you more across the forums.

    Best wishes
