I’m loving Leon!

Rina Member Posts: 86

I’ve just signed up to the new ‘Let’s Move’ programme and I’m really enjoying it. I’ve had RA since I was 19 but thank fully I’ve always managed to keep moving ( mainly walking ). I’m on session two and I find they are really making me more flexible and my joints more mobile. I do the exercises three times a week with my 90 year old Mum ( who is pretty healthy but a bit stiff with OA). She started reluctantly ( would rather be baking a cake!) but has persevered and she admits that they’ve helped with her knee and shoulder stiffness.

I like that the exercises are simple and clearly explained - also that you can stop and replay as many times as you like. Well done VA - a very useful and timely project !


  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,117

    Hi @Rina and welcome to the online community!

    Glad to hear that you’re enjoying the Let’s Move programme - I’ve joined it too and I certainly am feeling the benefit. It’s great that the exercises can be done standing or seated and it doesn’t matter what level of fitness or mobility you start with. Keep up the good work!

    If you're interested in exercising then you might also be interested in diet and how it affects arthritis . Here’s a link to the VA page:

    Looking forward to hearing more from you - have a look at the other discussions and join in whenever you like.

    Anna : )

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