mobility probs due to hip


Hi, im struggling more and more to get out and about due to arthritis in my hip. I currently use two walking sticks, which do help with some balance. I also have epilepsy and the side effects can leave me quite clumsy and i have fallen over whilst waiting in queues. Unfortunately when tried to get a self referral to the physio dept in my local town i found that has been stopped due to the covid situation, which i can understand.

What i am thinking about is some kind of wheeled mobility aid to get me out and walking more. Im in the house practically all week. I know that these and all kinds of walking aids can be purchased online, but i want to talk to a professional about this to get the best advice. It is now affecting my mental health, im more depressed at not getting out. Now with the cold weather setting in it is even worse. Is my GP the first person to go to?



  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    You would be better off talking to a local supplier rather than simply purchasing on-line, they very often have some professional knowledge amongst their staff so would be able to talk through your needs and make appropriate suggestions. Failing that contact Adult Social Care at your local Council and ask to speak to an Occupational Therapist.

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,745

    A lot of private physios are doing telephone / zoom type consultations, which you may find helpful, but as Mike suggests, speak with a local supplier to get specialist advice on the actual equipment

  • helpline_team

    Dear Katie,

    Thank you for posting on the helpline forum, I am so sorry to hear that you are struggling to get out and about due to your arthritis, and that it has also caused you to take a fall in the past. It is important for our health and well-being to be able to get out into the fresh air, even if it is only for a short time, aids and adaptations could help you with this.

    I agree with Lilymary, you may not be able to get a face to face appointment with a physiotherapist, due to the current situation, but you should be able to get a telephone consultation. A referral to a physiotherapist is an important part of treatment for most people with arthritis. They’re experts in assessing movement and advise on a programme of specific exercises that will help to strengthen the muscles. Speaking to an Occupational therapist would be able to advise on aids and adaptations that could help you in your home and getting out and about in the future.

    I also agree with Mike1, you need to be careful when buying online, trying the product would be better so that you know it is right for you before purchasing the item.

    I have added a couple of links below that hopefully will help in the future

    Best wishes


    Helpline Advisor