newly diagnosed

irum Member Posts: 7
edited 23. Nov 2020, 11:22 in Living with arthritis

Hi there my husband had swere pain n swelling in his left toe n the part underneath it.He spend 2 weeks in pain then we asked the gp and he took blood test and said he has got Gout .when I researched it came as arthritis. we became so sad n hopeless as we had plans to go to Umra (for religious purposes) and it was really heart breaking as I read that a person gets disable by the time n he had to spend all life in sewere pain and there is no cure of this disease that was all based on google research. i couldn't eat anything for 3 days .He kept quite n didntwant to talk about it as he was holding. his tears and sadness from me . we r still so confused what to do as gp just said that avoid meant n lentils. even though wen I researched on Google they tell to avoid so many foods . really upset not sure what to eat .and wts future holding for us . our daughter is only 9 month and I lost so much blood in delievery and I m too weak to look after him. Hes hiding his pain from me but I know hes in pain. pls guide us I luckily found this page after spending days on research for arthritis . hope It go ok .


  • Chris_R
    Chris_R Moderator Posts: 834
    edited 23. Nov 2020, 13:41


    Welcome to the online community its great you have found us,you say your husband has been diagnosed with Gout,it is painful I used to see my Dad go through it pain due to Gout.

    Here are a few links I think will help you.



    Hope this information helps you and stops you feeling sad. Please keep in touch and try to talk on our forum full of friendly people


    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,027
    edited 23. Nov 2020, 12:18

    Hi @irum

    Please don't fear this things will not be as bad as you have read. You should still be able to go on your trip to Umra one day all being well Gout often 'flares up' and the settles down again often with the help of medication from your Dr.

    This information might help you understand about Gout better:

    Yes some foods are best avoided, but if you read the article you will see they say 'avoid in large quantities' so you can still eat some of what you like - just not overdoing it.

    You have a young baby to look after and your husband is in pain you both want to help each other and both are really worried, but I am SURE things will be much better than you think. I hope he has started on some medication from the Dr and things improve soon for him.

    Do keep posting as us anything if we can help you we will.

    Take care

  • irum
    irum Member Posts: 7

    You are such a blessing you gave me so much hope . Thank you . I'm still crying and praying for you may you be blessed with all you want in life a Aameen. Yes he has gout and gp has given Naproxen but he dint take it yet as he was in other town when I pick his medication. His foot pain n swelling is ok now . But we are not sure that whether we still take Naproxen or shall we leave it if he get it again . May Allah bless you all guys who are doing this good deed otherwise Google is really scary and gp dont bother to talk in details. he just said u got gout n avoid meat and lentils nothing else and then out the phone down it's so sad when u r on ur own in a different country and you dont find a helping hand . Jazzak Allah

  • Rina
    Rina Member Posts: 86

    Hi @irum

    My husband also had an attack of gout several years ago when we were on holiday in China. Just like your husband, he was in great pain for about 10 days and we had to buy him a walking stick so that he could sightsee with me! He took ibuprofen which helped a bit but as soon as we came home he was tested and started on naproxen and allopurinol . He carried on the naproxen until the pain stopped but had to continue with the allopurinol for a while. It soon calmed down and he was back to his normal self. The doctor said he may get another flair but at least we are prepared - it’s been four years and he’s still ok.

    it is awful to see your partner in pain and not be able to help, and you have also had a difficult time. Don’t worry, I’m sure he will feel better soon - has the doctor given him anything other than naproxen?

    All the best to you and your family,


  • irum
    irum Member Posts: 7

    Hi @Rina

    Sorry to hear that you had to ho through the same situation. I agree its really painful to see ur loved ones in pain . Actually my husband started feeling sewere pain in left toe it was red and swollen.He wasn't able to even move his foot . Then he got better after taking paracetamol then it came back the following week and it was awful .Then we contacted the gp and he only gave Naproxen he couldn't take his medication as he was out of town then after a week. it got better on his own but he suffered a lot . we thought its arthritis and the ppl around n Google search scared us the most . gp called n said avoid meat and lentils . We tried to contact the gp again but the recipient said today that it's not arthritis and nothing to worry just take care of ur diet . We r still confused what to eat n what to skip .As my hubby doeznt like vegetable at all . Also we r scared that it dont get worse .

    but honestly all ppl over here are Angles. They do what a gp suppose to do.I hope my hubby never get that attack again. pls keep us in ur

    Thanks a lot

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,027

    Hi @irum

    Dr Google is the worst thing ever he frightens us a lot. This site is informative and the information is reliable.

    Naproxen is a really good anti-inflammatory and will help a lot if the Gout flares up again. It sounds as though your GP would rather he stays on that at the moment if he needs to (he won't need to take it unless he is in pain I'm sure, but you can check with your GP?) it might be an idea for him to keep some with him if he has to work out of town again just in case.

    This article tells you what foods are good/not so good for gout. He can eat meat, but certain meats are worse than others for gout so you can do your best to keep that to a minimum treat:

    Bless you both very much ((()))

    Take care

  • irum
    irum Member Posts: 7

    Thanx a lot for all the support. May you all be blessed .

  • irum
    irum Member Posts: 7

    can I ask a question pls. As my husband is diagnosed with gout doctor has given him Naproxen. I asked the receptionist how to take n she said when pain starts take 3 tablet in one go and then 1 tablet after 8 hours . is that the right way to take them pls guide me.Thank you

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    From NHS website -

    4. How and when to take naproxen

    Always take your naproxen tablets with or just after a meal so you do not get an upset stomach.

    As a general rule in adults, the dose to treat:

    • diseases of joints is 500mg to 1,000mg a day in 1 or 2 doses
    • muscle, bone disorders and painful periods is 500mg at first, then 250mg every 6 to 8 hours as required
    • attacks of gout is 750mg, then 250mg every 8 hours until the attack has passed

    Doses are usually lower for elderly people and people with heart, liver or kidney problems.

    The doctor will use your child's weight to work out the right dose.

    If you get naproxen on prescription, the dose depends on the reason why you're taking it, your age, how well your liver and kidneys work, and how well it helps your symptoms.

    If you buy naproxen from a pharmacy for painful menstrual periods:

    • on the first day – take 2 tablets when the pain starts, then after 6 to 8 hours take 1 more tablet that day if you need to
    • on the second and following days – take 1 tablet every 6 to 8 hours if needed

  • irum
    irum Member Posts: 7

    Thank you so much . be blessed . Thanks once again 😊