
Hi All

I am brand new to the group today and only a few months into my diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis so this is all very new to me. I wondered how long it takes for the methotrexate to actually show some signs that its going to work. I have only been on it for 8 weeks but everything seems to be running out of control rather than settling or getting any better.


  • Thank you so much thats really helpful and I will certainly read those leaflets 🙏 this is all so new and I find myself in a situation that I cant control which is another first for me but hopefully time will settle everything down.

    I do hope you are ok and again thank you for all the advice.


  • Chris66
    Chris66 Member Posts: 3

    Hi Clare

    I to was diagnosed with Ra in July I was on methotrexate pills to last week 25mg but they didn't do nothing for me so last week I have to start injecting methotrexate but still not feeling better yet if that don't work they said they will introduce another drug but I suppose you gotta try everything until you find the right one keep ya head up,all the best

  • Tom
    Tom Member Posts: 522

    Clare, like you I had my first attack of RA 40 years ago. Went quiet until 5 years ago. It was worse than the first time as I remember it, but is now under control. I was injecting Methotrexate - it took about 12 weeks to have an effect and I had to leave off it because of stomach trouble. I am now on Hydroxychloroquine and Sulfasalazine which works fine. In the early days I was also Prednisolone, but haven't needed that for 12 months.

    There is light at the end of the tunnel, good luck.
