Talonavicular fusion surgery

Iris2014 Member Posts: 3
edited 8. Jan 2021, 10:44 in Living with arthritis
Hello, I am new to this. I'd like to connect with anyone who has knowledge of talo-navicular fusion operation.


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,882

    Hello @Iris2014

    Welcome to the Versus Arthritis online Community.

    I see you are considering Talonavicular fusion surgery and are hoping someone here has had it. I have known members have foot fusion surgery fairly often, but a quick search on Talonavicular produced only one result:

    https://community.versusarthritis.org/discussion/17714/talonavicular-fusion .

    and it's an 'old' one from 2010 with no outcome details.

    This may (or not) be of interest:

    But it might just be worth a try posting in the 'Living with Arthritis' Category to see if anyone has had this operation and can help.

    Best wishes


  • Hi me had a tallus fushion in October 2018 to cure a collasped ankle and walking like pingu...

    Just had a subtallor fushion few weeks ago on 16/12/20 what do you need to know???

    Thanks Peter...

  • Iris2014
    Iris2014 Member Posts: 3

    I'd like to know if your operation was successful, are you glad you went through with it, is your foot functioning better as a result of the operation- and how is the recovery process going?

  • Evening iris2014 haven't had the opp you asked for i gather its the joint on thenrt side of foot...

    As said beforenhad tallus in 2018 fine but my job as a gardener nice manager reducednstaffnfrom 2- to 1 had sub tallus fusion in Dec 2020 no pain thought nerve block was good...

    At stanmore RNOH for 2 days had orhro pillow was great just had plaster of 12 weeks wasntold upto 6 months stupid air boot on for next 6 weeks..

    Go for it if this opp didn't work i was going to have foot of thats me so don't panick im very astive but even i have to reflect that i can't do that at 55 you have to adapt...

    Would i do it yes if you needna chat pm me happy to talk alwaysnhardnto go into the unknown thanks Peter..,

  • Iris2014
    Iris2014 Member Posts: 3

    thanks. it certainly sounds like what you have gone through is similar to what's ahead of me. I have been on the waiting list for a year and no idea when I will get my operation.

  • Mike
    Mike Member Posts: 11


    i had a talonivicular fusion on 6th April this year because I had severe arthritis in this joint

    pre operation I could barely walk more than 5 minutes and the problem had deteriorated over about 3 years

    i thought long and hard about the operation because of the long recovery and risks and I’m happy to say now 18 weeks post operation and my life is beginning to return

    I have no pain at all in joint and started back at work this week but I recognise the foot is not now as flexible or stable as other but who cares when pain free after years of suffering

    I was fortunate that not only have I been paid while off work but my employer paid for my operation privately so no NHS wait

    the cost was £7500 and to be honest I would have paid myself for this wonderful result for the same some people spend on a holiday

    hope this helps
