Hi there

Lucinda Member Posts: 4
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:05 in Living with arthritis

Hi all

New to this today. I have OA in my left knee and not liking the diagnosis. I'm reasonably fit and it doesn't impact too much at the moment and am keen to keep it that way. Can't quite get my head round that keeping walking, even when it hurts, is good for it. I've had 2 physios tell me different things so trying to find out as much as I can for myself.

I'm in awe of some of the stuff I've read on here already, and the support you all give each other. I think it's just what I need as what with one thing and another I could easily sink into a low mood so thank you already, and in anticipation. If I can help anyone in anyway that would be great too.

Hope you're all keeping safe from the awful virus.

Lucinda x


  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,078
    edited 26. Jan 2021, 19:22

    Hello again @Lucinda and a proper warm welcome to you again!

    Being diagnosed with OA in your left knee can be quite a shock as you say, but well done for trying to find out as much information as you can for yourself about your condition and ways to deal with it. There's so much information around (not all of it true of course) and if you stick to recognised, reputable websites such as Versus Arthritis, you'll really be able to help yourself.

    You've come to the right place for friendly support and advice. Everyone in the community tries their best to be helpful and friendly. Why don't you have a browse through the other forums on the right and join in any conversations you're interested in? I'm sure your offer of support will be welcome too.

    You may have discovered this already but just in case you haven't, you could take a look at the VA page on OA of the knee which also includes a section on exercises to manage pain. I have certainly found that exercise has helped me deal with my RA pain as well as keeping my spirits up.

    I'll let some other members introduce themselves and welcome you. I look forward to hearing how you're getting on.

    Anna (Moderator) : )

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,749

    Hi Lucinda, welcome to the group. My sister had OA in both knees, through a life time as an aerobics teacher. She continued as long as possible on huge doses of pain killers, until the time came for her to have them replaced, about 1-2 years apart, before she was 60. (She's still teaching, 7 years later!)

    Keeping the muscles well toned helps support the joint, as well as all round good health and mental well-being, and will also aid post op recovery. But it will ultimately contribute to the damage getting worse, and may cause flare ups of pain, so you need to find a balance. You may need to start avoiding high impact exercise such as running, but you could swap this for swimming, cycling, pilates and yoga, which does less damage to the knee joints

    Have you spoken to your GP about pain management? It may also be worth a physio appointment to discuss ways to support the knee, both in daily use and via an exercise regime to build up the muscles around the knee.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,868

    Hi @Lucinda

    You managed to start you own thread! Well done🙂

    I hope you won't slip down into a low mood now you have found us. Do pop in regularly and chat do some of the silly stuff like the levity thread for instance, distraction is good.

    Yes keeping moving is essential, but so is not overdoing it. Finding the balance is key and being kind to yourself too on not so good days.

    Take care