Hi everyone!

sharpn Member Posts: 4
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:05 in Living with arthritis

Hi there,

I stumbled upon this community after looking for some advice and I’m really glad I have (so thought I’d say hello!)

As a few people have mentioned in their introductions, I’ve really struggled to adjust after being diagnosed with Lupus aged 30 (so about 3 years ago). It was a particularly nasty flare up, so I’m told, that transformed me from a social, confident person, active runner and weight-trainer to confined to my bed in pain in the space of a few weeks.

Fortunately, I was treated quickly and my symptoms are more or less under control from day to day... until I start exercising again. During lockdown has been especially tricky (due to shielding walking or jogging again has been out of the question, as are a lot of home workouts due to the current trend for everything being SO intense!) Yoga has also recently caused a mild RA flare up in my wrists and ankles so that’s now out of the question too! It’s been really frustrating and sure enough I’ve slowly become entirely inactive and have put on nearly 2 stone which has become really disheartening. I’m hoping to get some exercise tips from here and also just a bit of support and solidarity from reading your posts too.

Anyway, apologies for the essay! Nice to meet you all!


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,782

    Hi @sharpn lovely to meet you and welcome you to the online Community. I'm very pleased you stumbled across us!

    I see you were diagnosed with Lupus about 3 years ago although your day to day symptoms are pretty well under control you are missing a huge part of your identity - exercise.

    Exercise when we have Arthritis is a tricky on and can be a real balancing act for some of us particularly those who, like yourself, were very physically active.

    I expect by now you have had a good look around the forum and have maybe already found the 'Let's move' Category, but just in case here it is for you:

    During the first lockdown many of us found a lot of benefit from doing the 'Let's Move with Leon' programme. The exercises are tailored for people with issues such as ourselves so it's well-worth a look:

    I'll leave you now to meet our members.

    Best wishes


  • sharpn
    sharpn Member Posts: 4

    Thanks @Ellen - lovely to meet you! I’ll definitely explore the Let’s Move programs, they look like they could be a good starting point at least 🤞🏻😊

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,868

    Hi @sharpn

    Welcome to the forum from me too. I hope it helps you as much as it has me over the years.🙂

    You must be so upset and frustrated to be unable to exercise as much as you want to. To put on weight is not a nice feeling nor is it good for our joints.

    Ellen has mentioned Leon's programme. I did it and really enjoyed it. There's Leo and his Mum so one does standing up one sitting down you choose what is best for you.

    Go for it!

    Take care and join in anywhere you like I see you've already met Mike and his funny cat pics, but everyone is lovely 🙂

  • sharpn
    sharpn Member Posts: 4

    Thanks @frogmorton - it has been a frustrating experience but I’m hoping this will be the start of turning over a new leaf 😊

    Loving the cat pic too @Mike1 - he looks quite similar to mine who I think would enjoy the Lunch routine too 😄