Rheumatoid JIA

jessdiable Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:05 in Living with arthritis

Hey, I’m Jess, 25.

i was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis when I was three, so to be honest, life with arthritis is all I’ve ever known. I was diagnosed at three, so no matter how old I get my type will always be Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis😅

I have it in every joint in my body, and to be blunt, it’s agony, every day is a struggle, every day is an internal debate on whether I can actually do this or not. It’s so difficult to put into words, and people without arthritis don’t understand what it’s like, and they just think you’re over reacting, or you’re making ‘excuses’. It’s really hard, and the last year has been the hardest for me, but I have the most amazing partner, my Jonathan is the absolute light of my life, he helps me so much more than he ever knows. I would struggle so much more if I didn’t have the support I have from him, he does the small things like, gets me a brew, ties my shoes, helps me in and out of the bath, he even sticks with me when I’m having a bad day and I know I’m being a raging bitch!! I think the key to mastering arthritis is opiates and the support you get from other people.


  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992
    edited 29. Jan 2021, 11:35

    I know how you feel although I am now 62 and have only had widespread OA for the past 10 years or so, I can fully empathise with your situation. You are lucky to have such an understanding and supportive partner, I just live with my cat and she is not very good around the house, at least I can talk to her and she doesn't go off in a huff if she has heard it all before!!

    Just realised that makes me old enough to be your Grandfather! Eeeeeeeeeek! 😁

  • Aj_x
    Aj_x Member Posts: 206

    Hello and Welcome @jessdiable to the Online Community Forum.

    Having RA at a young age you must have learnt how to adapt to everyday life.

    It is so important to have that support network around you, and by the sounds of it your partner is extremely supportive. Has he joined the forum? It would be lovely to read a partners or carers perspective of how they see it and if they see you (or even most of us) as a raging *itch.

    Have a look around at the other forums as there are lots of other topics that might interest you.

    This is the link for the Young People's Community Forum

    Young people's community — Versus Arthritis


  • Charmers1
    Charmers1 Member Posts: 1

    Hi my name is Charmaine,I’m 53 and I have Rheumatoid arthritis (only diagnosed about 4 years)which is worse in my feet 😂it’s in other joints but my main concern is my feet as it’s the only way I get about.I’ve had sulfasalazine which started to affect my liver,then methotrexate which I was in hospital last feb with sepsis and nearly died,now I’m on hydroxychloroquine which are that good I might as well as have a box of smarties.I saw my consultant in December with the hope I could have injections in my feet,I’ve had scan and radiologist told me that I can’t have them as they’d have to do at least 20 in each foot.I was gutted ☹️ so now I have to wait and see what comes back with my next appointment in June.I’m shielding at moment so my feet aren’t too bad but dread when it’s time to go back to work.Sorry for the long post.