Covid vaccine

Hi all I've just received a text inviting me to go and get the vaccine I'm just in two minds what to do I didn't expect to be able to get it yet any advice please would be appreciated x


  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    Provided the text, i.e. they are not asking you to phone a high cost phone line (check the phone number by entering it into Google) or are asking for personal information, is genuine go for it!

  • Jewels
    Jewels Member Posts: 202

    It's my area code and says its from my gp surgery I should just go for it shouldn't I?

  • crinkly
    crinkly Member Posts: 160

    Different areas are using different methods of offering and giving vaccination.

    My OH and I also received text messages from our local GP surgery, responded by booking our own slots and had excellent experiences of vaccination. A week later we got official NHS invitation letters telling us to ignore them if we had already been vaccinated.

    Yes, go for it! Plenty of questions are asked at the vaccination centre to check that you are eligible and to explain follow up but it sounds as though this is probably the most convenient way for you, as it was for us.


  • Jewels
    Jewels Member Posts: 202

    Thanks crinkly I've been trying to ring them but not got through yet

  • airwave
    airwave Member Posts: 579

    We live in a country where in general, we trust our doctors/medical staff who are in the form of the NHS. Social media has a lot to answer for and the contributors have not spent 7 years studying and years after to gain extra qualifications alongside their practical experiences in medicine.

    Why wouldn’t you put your trust in the NHS?

    All people are really talking about is they don’t trust themselves to trust a doctor and that is down to their own mistrust of life not the NHS. Or am I being too practical?

    it’s a grin, honest!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,241

    Go for it @Jewels

    I would if it was me. I will have my fingers crossed for you. Let us know how you get on.👍️

  • Jewels
    Jewels Member Posts: 202

    Hi all thanks for the replies I've rung and my gp surgery is not loaded onto the system yet so got to ring back Monday so hopefully will have it done next week fingers crossed x

  • Getting mine on Friday 26th (I'm 49 but I guess Sausage Finger Syndrome gets me up the list! haha)

    One of my friends had it and it's had a major effect on her asthma. In a good way. For whatever reason hasn't had to use her sucker thing since (having previously used it many time daily for decades).

    Maybe the vaccine will sort my fingers & stuff too 😁 I would say 'fingers crossed' but that's not likely to happen at the moment... 😂

  • Jewels
    Jewels Member Posts: 202

    Haha you've got a good sense of humour hun I had mine today felt a bit sickly so came back and had a sleep feel better now good luck with yours x

  • lindalegs
    lindalegs Member Posts: 5,399

    Mr Legs and I had the AstraZenica on Thursday. We fully expected me to suffer side effects but apart from feeling a bit tired I was fine the next day. He, on the other hand was shivery, very fatigued and had aching joints! He wasn't well at all yesterday but is much better today. It made us both wonder how poorly he might have been if he caught Covid and not just had an itty-bitty bit in the vaccination!

    I'm glad you've chosen to have yours done. 😊

    Love, Legs x
    'Make a life out of what you have, not what you're missing'
  • Jewels
    Jewels Member Posts: 202

    Yh I am too I had the fizer but at the night I got really fatigue and next day had a really chesty cough I suffer with bronchitis and I think it gave me a flare up of it but you are right about what it could do if we got covid I'm feeling a lot better now and hope you are too xx

  • I had to abort Friday's appointment and reschedule. I have it at 8.20 this morning.. just over an hour away. It'll be the Oxford/AZ one.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,241

    @lindalegs Legs my husband had Oxford (AZ) on Friday and was proper poorly yesterday shivery and achy shattered too. Stole two of my wheatbags for hsi aches!! To be fair I did heat them up for him😉

    Good luck @SausageFingers 🤞

    @Jewels I had pfizer and am sure i got off lighter than those who had Oxford.

  • SausageFingers
    SausageFingers Member Posts: 34
    edited 28. Feb 2021, 17:58

    Thanks guys 😀

    I haven't sprouted any new bits just yet, but I'm sure I just felt a spikey protein going somewhere it shouldn't 🤣 but I'm sure the T-cells will take care of it. They'd better...! 😎

    See how I feel tomorrow after 24+ hours. Sausage fingers slightly bent I'll be okay 😁

  • Jewels
    Jewels Member Posts: 202

    Get better soon 😁

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,241

    How are you today? Today is when you'll feel rough if you're going to.....🤞

  • I feel my normal self, thanks for asking. Arm is very sore where they harpooned me though 😂