Leg pain

Hi everyone.

I have oestarthritis in both my knees and both hips. I suffer with back ache which my GP said is also arthritis.

I have limited mobility and a lot of pain, even though it suppose to be "mild OA"

The question I have is, does anyone with knee and hip OA also get severe pain in their thighs and shins when being on your legs for more than about15 minutes or so.

I have this but I haven't seen anyone else mention this (on this site or on the internet generally). My GP says it's because of the OA but I wonder if this is true.

Appreciate your comments.


  • chrisb
    chrisb Moderator Posts: 770

    Hi @Dizzy1  

    I see that you suffer from Osteoarthritis Arthritis in your knees and hips and are wondering if the pain you get in your thighs and shins is related. Well you’ve come to the right place to see if others have experienced similar symptoms.  

    The following link to our website does mention that OA of the hip can lead to discomfort from the thigh down to the ankle, known as ‘Radiating’ pain:


    Here’s a link to OA of the knee which may also be useful to you:


    I’m sure that other forum members will be able to offer some useful feedback for you.

    Best Wishes

    ChrisB (Moderator)

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Kitty
    Kitty Member Posts: 3,583

    Yes, I have RA, OA, OP with 4 spinal fractures and have constant pain in my spine, hips, thighs. knees and feet. I try rubbing Fenbid (Ibuprofen gel) in as I can't take Ibuprofen tablets. I also use Fentanyl patches and Oramorph which helps in a small way. I find standing and walking virtually impossible. 🙄

    "Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." Robert A Heinlein

  • Jona
    Jona Member Posts: 406

    Hi Dizzy1

    Yes I too have a lot of Arthur everywhere and my legs do ache a lot too I also get a lot of cramping a doctor told me once that whether it’s classed as mild or not its still arthritis and affects different people in different ways some can just get on with it whereas some people feel it more intense

    gentle exercise helps as the more I lay or sit the stiffer I feel

    take care

    Jona 😊

  • airwave
    airwave Member Posts: 579

    Yes to pain and loss of feeling in my hips, knees, ankles and feet but only if I overdo things (walking or standing) does it get really bad, the lack of sensation is with me most of the time as is a burning sensation and caused by spinal problems. Try to ascertain how much is too much time on your feet and work inside that time limit?

    It’s a grin, honest!