Hello!! 🌟

Trisk Member Posts: 4
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:06 in Living with arthritis

Hello all!

I’m here because I have some questions and I feel a bit lost... my gp is not taking seriously my concerns and dismissing me but I know how painful is everyday...

I did some blood test and some values related to inflammations are higher than normal but my gp says it’s all ok and he doesn’t need to visit me...

So I’m asking you guidance...

Can I get an appointment with a rheumatologist for free with nhs? Or should I just go private?

Thank you all for your time 😊



  • Tom
    Tom Member Posts: 522

    Welcome, @Trisk. It is very frustrating when you are not taken seriously. You could try asking to see another NHS Dr. Before you go, make a list of your symptoms and take a friend with you.

    Here is a link to general information. It is difficult to be more precise as you have not had a formal diagnosis:

    Good luck and let us know how you get on.


  • Trisk
    Trisk Member Posts: 4

    Thank you Tom for your reply, I already feel a little better! I will have a look into it and hopefully I will have a proper doctor visit!