Swollen Feet

7 weeks after successful total hip replacement my ankles and feet have swollen up , more on the left which is the side I had the operation , feet shiny

Not been very mobile so maybe that’s it, Am on diuretics which make me wee a lot but  are not doing anything for my feet

I have read kinesio taping help


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,821

    I think I just answered your other post @Lotsofpain

    Well done though with your Hip replacement 👍️

  • Hi @Lotsofpain

    Thank you for posting on the helpline forum. I apologise for the delayed response; we were very busy on the helpline yesterday.

    I’m pleased to hear that your hip replacement surgery was successful, but sorry that your feet were swollen a few days ago. I’m not sure whether you will have had your follow-up appointment yet. This usually takes place 6-8 weeks post-surgery.

    If your feet are still swollen, you should contact your GP for advice. You may be right about the swelling being linked to not being very mobile: the exercises your physiotherapist gives are an important part of your recovery and it is important to keep doing them once you return home. Your GP can advise on this and provide medical advice on your on-going symptoms.

    You can find out more about recovering from hip replacement surgery below.  

    You are very welcome to call us on our freephone helpline: 0800 5200 520 so you can talk things through with one of our helpline team. 

    I hope this is helpful.

    Best wishes


    Helpline Team

    Hip replacement - NHS - Recovery - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

  • Lotsofpain
    Lotsofpain Member Posts: 157

    would kinesio tape help reduce swelling. exercise and diuretics not doing much