Swollen Feet

7 weeks after successful total hip replacement my ankles and feet have swollen up , more on the left which is the side I had the operation , feet shiny

Not been very mobile so maybe that’s it, Am on diuretics which make me wee a lot but  are not doing anything for my feet

I have read kinesio taping help


  • Oh dear that does not sound comfortable. Have you spoken to your doctor about the swelling?

    Swollen ankles, feet and legs (oedema) - NHS (www.nhs.uk)

    The general advice is to keep your legs elevated if possible, but if it isn't improving or gets even worse you should really seek medical attention as long-term inflammation can cause tissue damage.

    Perhaps other members will share experience with kinesio tape, sounds interesting but seems like it would need to be applied carefully to not cause damage.

    Do let us know how you get on x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,032

    Post op a lot of us get swelling in feet and ankles I had it after my back operation and think it's just lack of mobility. I wonder whether you can do some exercises on the ankles like you do on a plane to get teh circulation going?

    Never used any tape sorry 😕

    Take care