Greetings from a newbie 😊

ET63 Member Posts: 10
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:06 in Living with arthritis

Hi everyone,

I am a 63 year old woman with OA of the left hip. I first started getting pain in my hip in 2018 and it has gotten progressively worse. I am now waiting to have a hip replacement, hopefully in the next few months 🤞.

I would like some advice on exercise. I do gentile Pilates and I try to walk every day. When walking, I get pain on my outer left leg and in my knee. I believe this is referred pain from my hip. I take paracetamol daily in the morning and ibuprofen as and when. It doesn’t really help the pain tho. Has anyone experienced this and maybe suggest something I can do, or do I have to live with it for the time being?

Grateful for any help.


  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,745

    Hi, and welcome.

    I’m in pretty much the same position than you, including the referred pain etc, although I can’t exercise at all and walking is very difficult, even with a stick. However, you’re right to do what you can and I’d suggest you carry on with your exercise regime if it works for you. Having said that, if there are certain moves in pilates that make the pain worse, stop doing them. Likewise, if you’re in a lot of pain while walking, scale it back. You don’t say if you walk with a stick. This will take a lot of weight off your hip and I couldn’t manage without it now, and even when I was a bit more mobile than I am now, I found I could go longer and walka little faster, and with less pain the next day, if I used the stick.

    I would also suggest you review your pain meds with your GP. As your hip continues to deteriorate, the pain levels will also ramp up, so you may be ready for something stronger now. I’ve been on handfuls of cocodamol and naproxen for the last 12 months, and couldn’t function without them. I step the dosage down if I’m having a day at home or at my desk, but if I’m out shopping or working (my job sometimes needs me to be on my feet all day) then I go up to max dose and timetable in 2-3 days to recover, as the pain is horrendous afterwards, and I can usually barely walk at the end of the day,

    I hope you get your date soon, the NHS is still in meltdown, but slowly starting up again. I’m due for mine in a few weeks, and it can’t come soon enough

  • ET63
    ET63 Member Posts: 10

    Thank you for replying.

    I do have cocodamol when the pain is worse.

    I haven’t used a stick, that may well help. Good suggestion!

    Pilates is my saviour, been doing it since first suggested by the physio in 2018. I modify when necessary. It has really helped me strengthen my surrounding muscles.

    I agree that standing for any length of time really takes it out of you and I’m surprised by the fatigue I am suffering.

    Surgery can’t come soon enough!

  • Mini
    Mini Member Posts: 33

    Hi everyone I have osteoarthritis 51 and fibromyalgia had both knees replaced and had operation last week camera one as they need to find out why my left knee has corrosion on it and also my bone is crumbling in knee went thursday to see spine surgeon I am now in list to have spine surgery soon my spinal stenosis was diagnosed 2 months after my hip was replaced I kept getting spasms like electric shocks from my butt downwards that make me fall , I have a totally different sort of knee replacement in my right knee as they knew about the corrosion when I had it replaced in 2018 on my other one . At moment I’m just trying to cope on ibuprofen 2 a day if I have three 500 mg get low mooded most meds do this to me or my anxiety 🚀 high or keep forgetting everything my mind will become blank so just sticking with ibuprofen and paracetamol at mo and rubbing in black pepper essential oil with coconut oil or my capsaicin cream which is on my repeat prescription I have been using Lucy Wyndham on you tube and following her on Instagram she has a lot of exercises for mobility and sets really good my gym is closed at mo to find walking the pool doing exercises in water 🏊‍♀️ excellent was sent to hospital physio pool 2 years ago through doctor they showed me moves to do in the water also 8 have changed my diet to wheat free gluten free has cut down inflammation pain a lot hope this helps 💖 2 u all x

  • Aj_x
    Aj_x Member Posts: 206

    Morning @ET63

    Welcome to the Online Community Forum. It was great that you found us and from this you will have loads of Information, different forums and discussions but most of all you have joined our nice little family.

    Fingers crossed that they contact you in the next couple of months regarding the Hip replacement.

    When it comes to the exercise, I have attached the link for "Lets Move With Leon" He can suggest a programme for you to match your physical and mobility needs.

    Really hopes this helps you.

    Don't forget there are other forums and lots of other people that are in the same situation and waiting for hip operations.

    Stay safe & Take Care
