
Ncb1 Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:06 in Living with arthritis

Hi all,

Just wanted to say hello!

Feeling like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment. I'm a 38 year old male and unfortunately my health issues started over ten years ago- starting with Hypopituitarism and diabetes but over the past couple of years the list just seams to keep getting longer with arthritis, fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease.

I'm at the point where most days are a struggle, I'm just sore and tired! I don't want people's sympathy but I just wish people understood a little that despite how I look things are not ok.

Although iv been shielding since the new year, this next week I'm due back to work and its a worrying time because I'm not the person I once was and I just don't know if I can forfil my position! It was suggested that I consider applying for disability but still having a reasonable size mortgage alone completely rules that option out so im faced with the fact I may have to limp through work and have a restricted quality of life at home just to survive.

Thats some introduction, but it's me and the reason I'm here.




  • anneb82
    anneb82 Member Posts: 317

    Hello @Ncb1,

    Welcome to the online community and thank you for sharing your story with us. I hope that you find this a safe and supportive space. We are a friendly bunch and are always looking to meet new people and make new friends.

    So you have been struggling over the last couple of years as you were diagnosed with arthritis, fibromyalgia and degenerative disc disease on top of your existing medical conditions. You have been struggling with day to day life and are worried about coping with being back at work after shielding for so long.

    I think we can all struggle with our feelings of wanting people to understand how we feel and that sometimes things aren't what they appear on the surface. Shielding has been a trying time for a lot of us and I can understand you having anxiety over going back to work if you feel like your abilities are now different. Is there maybe someone that you can talk to at your work place? Could you speak to your manager to have occupational health get involved so that they can provide you with some help?

    Below is a couple of links to our website information on working with arthritis and managing your symptoms. I hope that they are of some help to you.

    Once again thank you for sharing with us and please let us know how you are getting on. Please also feel free to get involved in other areas of the forum.

    Take care

    Anne (moderator)

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658

    Hello @Ncb1

    Lovely to meet you, but sorry to hear life is a struggle for you😕Sounds tough especially still having to pay off your mortgage.

    I think a lot of people are fearing returning to work after so long either working from home or shielding on and off. I personally have to concentrate hard even to drive my daughter (she has epilepsy) to the shop for her cat's food! Skills have been lost.

    I very much hope that when you get there being in company makes it much better than you think and you cope ok. If not is it the sort of employer who might consider retiring you early on the grounds of ill health some do this usually bigger employers don't they? They sort of pay you off.

    If it helps at all we understand here and can see beyond appearances to the person who might be struggling with a smile on their face.

    take care