Spread of arthritis

Bridie Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:06 in Living with arthritis

Hi I have had arthritis for a while though I walk, etc

X-ray has shown it to be in my knees and wrist . I get pain at the base of my thumbs, in my hips and bad pain in one knee.

Now my left ankle and foot is painful...all of a sudden

is that usual?


  • Hi @Bridie and welcome!

    You sound very similar to myself- I too have had arthritis for a while but have always kept fit with walking, running and dancing (although there are days when you just regret it too) I completely sympathise with your extra pain that you are experiencing. Obviously I'm not a doctor but you tend to know your own body and the difference between an arthritis type pain and what could possible be something else. You clearly enjoy walking, and exercise is good but do know your limits and don't be afraid to take a little time out if you need to. You may want to see if you can have a chat with your GP or specialist, especially if this is sudden pain that you are experiencing.

    We do have some information about exercise that you may want to look at in the meantime:

    I have also personally used some of the Let's Move programme on some of my off days when I wanted to do something but was finding it difficult. It has been specifically designed for people with arthritis, and you can do as much or as little as you wish. Information and links can be found here:

    Finally here is a link to some information about foot and ankle pain:

    The online community is full of lovely people who are always willing to share their experiences and knowledge so please continue to lok around, join in when you are comfortable and just make yourself feel at home!

    So pleased to meet you!
