Emu oil

Does anyone have any experience of using emu oil to help OA? If so how effective was it? Kind regards richie


  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    I always tend to think with these products that if it worked, we'd all be using it already.

  • Richie
    Richie Member Posts: 4

    Thanks Lily Mary, yes I guess I just keep hoping something will eventually live up to the claims that the produces make.

  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,751

    There’s plenty of people out there seeking to make money from people who feel desperate. The cynic in me believes this is just a madketing opportunity for snake oil peddlers. In each case there may be at least a few people who feel some benefit from these types of products, but you’d be hard pushed to say whether this was a direct outcome, coincidence or the placebo effect. Personally I put my faith in science, as the outcome will have been tested and tested again.

    Equally there are people convinced medical science is a massive con by big pharma or some bizarre conspiracy theory. We have to make our choices. After all the arguments on social media triggered by the Covid vaccine, I suspect the two different camps have become even more entrenched, but their arguments against modern science I find deeply saddening and have just made me put my faith in it even more.