
Trixie6 Member Posts: 3
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:06 in Living with arthritis

Hi ppl, Arthritis in multiple joints and struggling with the pain.


  • ChrisK
    ChrisK Member Posts: 37
    edited 11. May 2021, 12:10

    Good morning @Trixie6

    Welcome to our Versus Arthritis forum. Here you will find the members are friendly, helpful and empathic, They will answers any of your questions/queries as they find them in relation to their own arthritis and related conditions.

    You have come to the right place to find help and support for your arthritis and pain. It would be helpful if you could do another post to tell us what type of arthritis you have. You say you are struggling with pain, have you been recently to your health care provider to discuss your arthritis and pain with them. Pain is a very debilitating condition and can impinge on all aspects of your daily living. Have you asked your GP to refer you to a pain clinic? Here all the various people work together to help you manage your pain and its related conditions.

    Versus Arthritis produce many booklets and fact sheets on the many arthritis conditions and their related conditions. Below are links to some which may help you:

    Arthritis | Causes, symptoms, treatment | Versus Arthritis

    Managing your pain | Treatments and self-help (versusarthritis.org)

    I hope you find these links are useful and help you. I look forward to reading your future posts and reading how you are coping with your arthritis and the pain. Take Care

    Best wishes


  • Trixie6
    Trixie6 Member Posts: 3

    Hi Chris K,

    Thank you for your message, I have Osteoarthritis which I’ve had for a number of years now but it has got so painful the last few months that I really don’t know what to do.

    With Covid now, you can’t just make an appointment to see the Dr. It’s all done by phone which is so frustrating having to tell someone who has no knowledge of my history. I think I’ve given up trying now!

    ive spoken to Physio’s by phone, FaceTime and in person and they all seem to say the same thing...exercise, but it’s too painful now even to walk a short distance.