Acupuncture for neck arthritis

Iscacupuncture helpful for arthritis of the neck as I don’t like taking too much medication . I have tried ibuleve gel but it didn’t help very much


  • stellabean
    stellabean Member Posts: 308

    Hi I have had it on my neck and shoulder in the past. As with all things it depends on who does it, the first was done by my GP. He had training but it made things worse, not helped by him leaving a needle in place and locking me into the surgery when they left one evening with them in place....I had to make the alarm go to stop him driving away! But I have had it from a specialist physio and have found it helps.

    I have arthritis and disc damage due to being attacked some time ago. I have always tried to give things a try and if they don't work find something else. Good luck.

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    I will try anything that may give me some relief from my pain which has cost me quite a bit of money over the years. I have paid over £600 for a course of acupuncture in the past which was totally ineffective. Everyone is different though so it may work for some.