
weejean Member Posts: 346

Hi there. I have Osteoarthritis in every joint. I have had my hips, elbows and knees replaced, ankles fused and am awaiting shoulder replacements. I like to keep as active as possible. I have a treadmill and walk on it morning and evening. I would like a more all over exercise to do. Any suggestions? I am wondering if getting a mini trampoline would be safe for my joints. Does anyone have any advice. Many thanks 😊

Big Hugs
Jean xx


  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,750

    Hi @weejean , have you tried the “Let's move with Leon” exercises on this site? They’re as gentle as you need them to be, and good fun, and can be done in the privacy of your own home, so if there are moves that are too much for you, you can modify them or sit them out. It gets the whole of your body stretched out with some strengthening exercises. Before the OA kicked in I used to go to Gentle Pilates sessions, so I recognise some of the exercises from there. There’s also a similar tai chi class just started, although I haven’t looked into it yet (I’m just post op).

    I’d also suggest having an assessment with a good physio, who may be able to recommend an exercise regime particularly tailored to you. This could perhaps include swimming or cycling, if you’re up to that? It may also be worth investigating local yoga or tai chi classes, some are much more gentle than others. Most classes advertise the instructor’s phone number, so you could give them a call to see if the class would be suitable for you. I realise your rage of (sensible) movement may be limited by your surgeries. Well done doing your treadmill exercises though. That takes a bit of self discipline!

  • weejean
    weejean Member Posts: 346

    Thanks so much for your advice @Lilymary. I will look into everything you have suggested. I love walking on my treadmill but would like a bit of variety. I was born with a rare bone condition and have had Osteoarthritis since birth. I know how important it is to keep active as I just sieze up if I sit too much. It's good to talk to people who understand 😊

    Big Hugs
    Jean xx
  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,750

    I’d start with the ‘let’s move” sessions and see how you get on. Quite a few people on here said they were feeling the benefit from them. X