Hip replacement

Hi, I was recently diagnosed with advanced arthritis in my hip and I required a hip replacement, which I was lucky to have a couple of weeks ago. I have read a lot and can't thank Versus Arthritis enough. I am now wondering if it is likely that I will have to have the other hip replaced at some time. Also, what are the chances of it being in other joints. Is there any tests that can be done to find this out.


  • Lilymary
    Lilymary Member Posts: 1,750

    I had my left hip replaced 7 weeks ago. The X-ray showed mild OA in the other hip, but it’s mostly symptom free at the mo. It may need replacing in future years, or it might last out, I’m not going to stress about it meanwhile so long as it’s not giving me grief. I suspect my knees will become a problem eventually, I’ve been nursing them along on big mountain walks for donkey’s years, but in everyday life they’re fine. Only X-ray would show how bad they are, but we’re not at that stage yet - they’re not bad enough to warrant further investigation or treatment.

    If you’re prone to arthritis (it’s genetic in our family) it’s possible it will cause problems in other joints, but not necessarily. My sister has had both knees replaced and a bit of work on spine, neck and shoulders, but her hips are fine... (so far). I know of many who have had work on just one or two joints, but are otherwise fine

  • Hi Sally69

    Thanks for your post to the Helpline. When you've had severe oa in a joint that's needed replacement it shows that you've had age related changes in a joint. Our bodies wear and repair though our lives, but when oa is diagnosed it means that the wearing has to some extent overtaken the body's repair mechanism. Elsewhere in the body ageing will have happened too. But not all those areas will necessarily require surgery. Doing many X-rays is often seen as a poor predictor of need for treatment.

    It can be really helpful to review your weight (healthy eating) and exercise routines as they are proven to support the body to age as well as possible. The health professional who can really be useful if you'd like more detail on your self-management general exercise routines is the physiotherapist. Do see our general information on exercise and of course come and have a chat with us on the freephone helpline number 0800 5200 520.

    Exercising with arthritis | Top tips, specific exercises (versusarthritis.org)

    best wishes

    Guy Helpline Team

  • Pinkorchid
    Pinkorchid Member Posts: 17


    im hoping that I can learn something through this thread as I too have advanced OA in hips and need replacement to be honest I’m really worried about going through the op. It will be good to read how others cope.

  • Hi Pinkorchid

    Thanks for your post to the Helpline and I'm sorry that the thought of surgery is a worry for you.

    Most of the people I've ever spoken to about having surgery are people who are considering a joint replacement as a first operation. We realise that it involves a lot of thinking. It's a big decision. I just want you to know that if you ever felt you wanted a chat about it all, you will be most welcome to ring us here at the Helpline. Our conversations are in confidence, and we are lay-people. Because we are not medically trained, hopefully we talk in ordinary language without unnecessary jargon. We also do a lot of listening.

    Any conversation about health should be to empower you to weigh up the pros and cons of having treatment. Many of us at the Helpline either have arthritis ourselves or are very close to people who do. We want you to have the support you need while you consider what this may mean to you & any concerns you have.

    Another option is to post on the living with arthritis forum too, so you can hear from other people with arthritis.

    Osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip | Hip pain | Versus Arthritis

    Hip replacement surgery | Treatment options | Versus Arthritis

    Very best wishes

    Guy - Helpline Team

  • Sally69
    Sally69 Member Posts: 4

    Hi Pinkorchid

    I was absolutely petrified about the op........ I very nearly cancelled. I didn't feel very well informed as well as the awful thought of the surgery itself. I rang the Versus Arthritis helpline and they were fab, and there are a couple of useful hip replacement Facebook sites....but remember these people are all over the world not just in the UK.

    I am now four weeks post op and it feels great, but to be honest as soon as I got up after the op there was no pain.....and I didn't think my pain was bad..... I now realise it was bad and what I was missing. I am so glad I had it done.

  • Ru208
    Ru208 Member Posts: 3

    Thank you all for your comments/stories. I'm due to go in for hip replacement surgery tomorrow and, at the moment, whilst trying to feel positive about the changes for the better to my life, I'm petrified!

    Apologies for the long post here but....I had pain from my left groin and right upper buttock area 5 years ago. I went to my GP and was sent for physio on my back in 2017. After 6 sessions I was told they were referring me for physio elsewhere on my hip. 6 sessions later and continuing with the exercises I was given, I was discharged. I continued with the exercises and tried yoga (which I used to do regularly about 10 years previously) but nothing helped. My sons eventually convinced me to go back to my GP. In 2019 I saw a different GP (they seem to change quite regularly at my surgery) who noted that no diagnostics had been made and sent me for x-rays. A week later she called me to say my x-ray showed osteoarthritis in my left hip. Fortunately that week was when our surgery took on the services of a physio and didn't need a GP referral. I went to see him and, after trying to move my hip, he asked if I had a high pain threshold. I told him I didn't know and he said he could assure me that I have and that the only option he could suggest was a hip replacement, to go away and think about it. I did so and within about 6 months I went back to see him and asked for a referral. I saw my consultant on 10th March 2020 and was put on the list for surgery. Then COVID struck! I received a letter from occupation health asking for about 5 or 6 pages of measurements around my house which I returned (with help doing the measurements from my sons) and had a hip replacement education class in September 2020. Late February 2021 I received a date for my surgery in mid-March. I had a call from occupational health asking for some of the measurements again. I did them but explained that U had sent them through almost a year ago but they said they couldn't access them and may be lost. I purchased a long shoe horn, picker-upper, already head a sock aid and was told I'd be supplied with a raised toiler seat with handles otherwise I should just sit on a dining room chair.

    The surgery time came and my eldest son drove me an hour to the hospital where the surgery was to take place (all my other appointments had taken place at my nearest hospital 15-20 mins away with all services). Despite having had my pre-op assessment and telling them/showing them an outbreak of eczema (which was what I was told 12 years ago I suffered from (without any tests) on my feet and occasionally my hands), fortunately my consultant picked it up, took one look and said it would be dangerous to go ahead with the surgery as he thought it was a different skin condition. I was a mixture of devastation and relief - I'd asked the registrar if he could assure me I wouldn't see or hear anything and he said I wouldn't see but might hear things (I'm due to have a spinal block and sedation....hence my anxiety!). I saw my GP 2 days later but she couldn't get a test for my skin to be assessed by dermatology. Five days after I Should have been discharged, I received a call from a delivery person saying they had a raised toilet seat to deliver to me. I couldn't believe it. I should have been home 5 days from my surgery and wouldn't have had the facility to let me use our toilet safely.

    Seven months on and, touch wood, my skin on my feet and hands is clear. A week ago I took delivery of the raised toilet seat. I've not had any further communication from occupational health so am looking forward (not) to sitting for however many weeks on a dining room chair. I've not received any other tips from anyone local as to what I might need or what after care I may (or may not) receive and am still extremely anxious about what's to come. I just keep thinking that in a week or two, the pain I feel now will be so much better, including any pain from the surgery.

    Right now, I'm off to re-make my bed with clean sheets, put away the last of my washing, have a shower/hair wash (yes, I'll have another shower at 5am tomorrow before I leave) and pack my bag. Fingers crossed that everything works out right and very best wishes to all those on the road to recovery. Thank you again for your stories and tips, I'll try to keep up in the next few weeks.

  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 866

    Welcome @Ru208 to the online community,

    You are due to have your hip replaced tomorrow. We all wish you and your surgical team a trouble free operation and full recovery. You have read some of the stories above and seen the links to follow for more information, but I should imagine that you just need a time of preparation now and to get a good night's sleep rather than spend time on the computer tonight.

    When you have been home for a few days and feel like getting in touch we will be here and can point out the information and members comments which will be helpful for your recovery. So do write or phone, we will be waiting to hear how you got on.

    Take Care , I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

    Best wishes


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.