Hello I'm a new member!

Chris67 Member Posts: 3
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:06 in Living with arthritis

Hi all

I'm a new member - joined today when I came across the Versus arthritis website. I was diagnosed with spondylosis of the spine some years ago and managed that with medical interventions. However, osteoarthritis is now in my knees and very painful at times and limits my mobility. I joined because I wanted to know how others suffering the same condition manage their pain and mobility. I will be very interested to hear from others how they achieve relatively pain free days, how they overcome the tiredness and lethargy; and if they use orthodox medicine or alternative interventions.

Thank you for reading.


  • jeddison1985
    jeddison1985 Member Posts: 211

    Hi @Chris firstly let me welcome you to the forum I hope you find the information and support you are after from our wonderful community.

    I can see from your post that you have had spondylitis for a while which you have managed well and that more recently you have developed OA in your knees which is painful and affecting your mobility. You are wanting to hear from others who have similar experiences and understanding how they coped.

    Firstly just to note I have had Ankylosing Spondylitis for over 9 years, so always good to connect with someone with a similar condition.

    The site is full of information and I wanted to signpost you to some information as a starting point to help with your Osteoarthritis of the knee, including information on treatment and exercises.

    Please feel free to search the forum for others with similar experiences and I am sure that some of our community will be able to help offer some useful suggestions.

    Take care and I hope you get some relief and answers soon.



  • benno
    benno Member Posts: 3

    Hi @Chris, I ,too, have joined today (29/6/21) prompted by OA diagnosed in both knees and getting troublesome.

    For me, being put in touch with Move with Leon and the series of 12 sessions and now followed by Daphne's Tai Chi introduction ( both via VA) together with gyms re-opening life isn't so bad at the mo. I do aqua-exercise and group cycle classes. I can see from the posts I shouldn't complain too much and I wish all who post my best wishes

  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,025

    Hi @benno and welcome to you too to the online community,

    Thank you for posting such a useful and supportive message for your first post. Personal experience is always so valuable and very much appreciated by our members. Exercise helps us on so many levels, physical and emotional and you certainly are taking part in a wide variety.

    Please keep posting, and don’t worry if you need to complain sometimes - we all have good and bad days whatever our condition is, and this community exists to support when we’re feeling low and celebrate when we’re feeling high!

    I look forward to hearing more from you.

    Anna ( Mod)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658

    Welcome to @Chris67 from me too orthodox all the way, but with some non-medicinal such as pacing myself, good rest, anti-inflammatory diet, warm wheatbags (the microwave type) and distraction - here amongst other things!

    Welcome too to you @benno I also have done those exercise programmes they are great being in the privacy of your own home you can do as little or as much as you can manage 😊

  • Chris67
    Chris67 Member Posts: 3

    Thank you all for your positive comments and for the welcome. I shall try out the Leon exercises and I am interested in the Tai Chi as I hear there are some positive outcomes from this for people with OA.

    I have managed to see my GP about my knee and having the relevant tests. Unfortunately, he couldn't give my any pain relief gel as I'm allergic to the aspirin content of this or anti inflammatory! Meanwhile, I am trying to go for walks, gone back to taking Osteocare tablets/ Rose Hip tablets and rubbing oriental ointment on my knee!

    Thanks frogmorton, I may try the aqua aerobics as I think my weight doesn't help.

    Thank you all for your help and suggestions and I look forward to hearing how you are all doing.