
lizzah47 Member Posts: 4
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:06 in Living with arthritis

Hi - my name is Liz, I am 73 and I have osteoarthritis in my knees, and to a lesser extent in my feet and hands. I am always looking at ways to live with the difficulties this causes which is how I arrived at the versusarthritis website and eventually this community. It will be good to share others' experiences of this debilitating disease. And can I ask a question? I have (apparently) signed up for Let's Move With Leon having looked at the intorductory information but I can't for the life of me see how I actually join in and get my weekly emails! Can anyone help me please?!


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,696

    Hi Liz @lizzah47

    Lovely to meet you and welcome you to the Online Community I'm glad you found us.

    I read from your post that you have Osteoarthritis, in your knees mostly, but also in your feet and hands. This is absolutely the right place to share experiences with others who understand. It's great to swap tips, gain support and understanding and sometimes just to have a moan!

    I have done the 'Let's move with Leon' programme, but must be a year or so now and I just started to receive my emails. They just appeared in my in-box. I will check with the powers that be that this will still be the case @Brynmor am I right? By the way it was a great series and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    I vey much doubt you will need this information, but it is worth a quick look:

    Best wishes


  • lizzah47
    lizzah47 Member Posts: 4

    Hi Ellen and thank you for your warm welcome! It took me a while to figure out that I needed to open a New Discussion in order to post my hello message but got there in the end. The strange thing about the Leon exercises thing is that I don't remember actually signing on to it (although I did want to), I was just exploring what it was about before deciding, but obviously I must have clicked on a button somewhere that signed me up. I will keep an eye on my inbox from now on...

    I have collected a lot of information about OA, especially about knees as they cause me the most trouble, but I am always open to more. A complication I have is that I also have idiopathic peripheral neuropathy in my feet (not caused by diabetes) which currently means my left foot and right knee are the ones shouting the loudest at me! But that does change from time to time, and the physios I have seen have told me not to worry too much if I get 'flares', just keep on with the strengthening and stretching exercises which I am trying to do. I wonder if anyone else out there has PN as well as OA like me? I would love to hear others' experience of trying to balance the two.
