Hip Bursa Removal....looking for some advice please and Hello 👋

Booblerella Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:06 in Living with arthritis

I am 48 and got RA at 10 years old, over the years I have had various issues with my joints, eyes, back and jaw. I have hypermobile hips and in the last 3 years have had really bad bursitis. I have tried all the therapies, acupuncture, physio, hydro therapy, shock wave treatment, steroid injection both direct and ultrasound with no joy. I have been to my local Hip Surgeon in West Yorkshire and have asked for the removal of the bursa, he was very reluctant to offer me this surgery but has agreed to try it with the provision that it may not work. My question to the community is, has anyone had this type of surgery and if so would you recommend it and what kind of results did you get?

Many thanks for any advice
