Psoriatic Arthritis and kefer milk

Hi everyone,

I'm new to your community, as I joined this morning, and have been reading all your great comments, advice and support.

I have had Psoriatic Arthritis for 3 years and am on Methotrexate injections. My symptoms have been getting alot worse over the last 2 months resulting in 4 pain/inflammation sites including my middle spine. I have spoken to the hospital.

I have been doing alot of research and came across Kefer milk. It's benefits in improving our gut health and skin health sound great.

Has anyone used it and how did it go?

My hospital were happy I was trying to improve my health but did not want me to come off my medication. At this time I am agreeing with them but I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about using both together? It seems to me like they would be working against each other.... the medication suppressing my immune system and the Kefer improving it...

Thanks for any advice and comments.

Have a great Sunday.



  • chrisb
    chrisb Moderator Posts: 758

    Hi @cola  

    Welcome to the Versus Arthritis forum. 

    I see that you have had Psoriatic Arthritis for some time and are on Methotrexate. Your symptoms have been getting worse leading you to research dietary supplements that might help. You have discussed the results of your research with the hospital. 

    Whilst Versus Arthritis cannot offer any advice as regards specific third party products it may well be that members of the forum can offer you some advice based upon their own experiences that may be useful to you. 

    You may well have already visited our website but just in case here are a couple of links that you may find beneficial:

    I note that you are already contributing to other discussions on the forum, which is great. 

    I hope that you receive some useful feedback. 

    Best Wishes

    ChrisB (Moderator)

    Need more help - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    Well done on trying to improve your health. I'm not sure about kefir. I think it's not a great idea for those of us on immunosuppressants.

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    Steven Wright