Great news for Cauda Equina Sufferers

Luckyles Member Posts: 2
edited 25. Aug 2021, 10:13 in Chat to our Helpline Team

Have you seen the fantastic news from HSIB?

1.   Check the link. Ctrl + enter or click, or copy/paste entire link into browser

2.   Read the report. Lengthy but excellent and easy to understand

3.   Sign up for email from HSIB providing information as implementation progresses

4.   Spread the word to all members of all groups

5.   You can also email HSIB to tell them your story at <>;

6.   Brief information is.. “HSIB is dedicated to improving patient safety through independent investigations into NHS-funded care across England, without apportioning blame or liability.”

Thank you all...

I have just signed up for HSIB updates. When it got "Job Title" I put "Sufferer of CES".

When asked my Organisation, I put "Cauda equina Syndrome Support"......I am confident that it will accept any recognised cauda Equina organisation


I URGE PEOPLE TO DO THE SAME...Let's create a deluge of response to this fantastic news to show HSIB our support and gratitude

Finally, I can "sleep" tonight knowing that someone is doing something about this after 9 years (for me) of deaf ears...(xxxx words removed as do not meet Community guidelines - Peter (moderator)) pain, and


I am sick and tired of being sick and tired, as I read on a daily basis, the messages in forums from members in CES-I and CES-R who are not getting the urgent treatment they require and progress to having this cruel and horrible syndrome.


One very happy relieved person

Les Finch  


  • PeterJ
    PeterJ Administrator Posts: 958

    Hello @Luckyles and welcome to the community. We are a friendly and supportive group and I hope that that will be your experience as well.

    I understand that you suffer from Cauda Equina Syndrome and that you have found this HSIB site which offers a lot of useful information about this disease. It certainly looks to be a comprehensive site and is backed by the UK Government. Thank you for supplying the link which could be useful to any fellow sufferers in the community. It is worth mentioning for the benefit of others in this community that people do not have to join to read the reports or access the site.

    Our website has a lot of useful information and we also have a useful search function as well, an example of which is below

    Please do keep posting and I hope that you will connect with others to share their experience as well.

    With very best wishes

    Peter (moderator)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm