Medication Query

Good morning

I have tested positive with Covid and fortunately I am feeling very well

Does anyone know if I should take my Methotrexate today and my Adalimumab injection this Thursday

Many thanks


  • jeddison1985
    jeddison1985 Member Posts: 211

    Hi @1sadoldlady firstly let me welcome you to the forum I hope you find the information and support you are after from our wonderful community.

    I can see from your post that you have recently contracted COVID and are not feeling well. I appreciate this must be an apprehensive time. You are querying whether you should take your medications, both Methotrexate and Adalimumab given your current condition.

    As an Adalimumab patient myself I know that the advice I received was always if feeling unwell or with an infection it is best to hold off the medication and speak to your Rheumatology team as quickly as possible. They are best placed to advise you.

    The site is full of information and I wanted to signpost you to a couple of places firstly the VA coronavirus page and then a link to key questions related to COVID and Arthritis.

    Please feel free to search the forum for others with similar experiences and I am sure that some of our community will be able to help offer some useful suggestions.

    Take care and I hope you feel better soon.



  • Thank you for your help 🙂

  • Hi @1sadoldlady

    Thank you for posting on the helpline forum about biologic medication and covid. I’m sorry to hear that you have tested positive for covid, though good to hear that you are feeling very well. I appreciate how concerned you must be feeling.

    We aren’t medically trained on the helpline, so we can’t answer your question. As Joe says, you need a medical opinion. You will find further information on the link given by Joe to Arthritis and COVID 19 – your questions answered (

    The current advice is that you should not stop taking your medications unless advised to do so by your rheumatologist or rheumatology nurse. We would therefore advise you to contact your rheumatology nurse helpline, GP or NHS 111 as soon as possible for individual medical advice. 

    You may find this information helpful:

    Please give us a ring if at any point you would like to talk to us on our helpline: 0800 5200 520 (weekdays 9am-6pm)  

    Best wishes


    Helpline Team 

  • Thank you for your reply I spoke to rheumatology today who answered my questions