Anyone with epilepsy and arthritis who has had a hip replacement?


After a 2yr wait i finally got an x-ray of my hip and it was found that the arthritis has got worse over the last year or so. 2 yrs ago the consultant said about a partial hip surgery. But now on seeing how much the arthritis has got worse she is going to hopefully send me to Glasgow Jubilee where they can do a hip operation that will mean less likelihood of a dislocation if i take a seizure. She said it was safer to do that than to go to my hospital nearby, which does do hip operations.

Just curious to find out if anyone else with epilepsy has gone through surgery or is waiting to for their arthritis, many thanks K


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,658

    Hi @kfrweaving

    Sorry not hip but my daughter had her shoulder replaced at 19 and she was having pretty scary seizures at that time. How well are yours under control ATM?

    She had hers done at Wrightington in Wigan where they would be able to cope better if she had a seizure as that was the greatest risk.

    All went well and she is wonderful now🙂

    You must let us know how you get on ((()))

  • kfrweaving
    kfrweaving Member Posts: 45

    Hi Toni, I had 11 dislocated shoulder accidents (all right shoulder) until i got corrective surgery about 2003. Thankfully my shoulder has never dislocated again. I am getting some pain in that shoulder but i think it is a result of leaning too much onto crutches and not walking correctly at times. Some of the should dislocations were as a result of seizures, but not all. I don't have 100% the same movement in my right shoulder as the left, but i'd rather have that than the pain of a dislocation!!!! Many thanks, Katie