Finger arthritis

So, for the past few months I have been having increasing pain and stiffness in my fingers. I asked my GP if I need an x-ray to confirm arthritis in the fingers. My GP said as I have already been diagnosed with osteoarthritis elsewhere, knees, hips, lower back, the likelihood is that it is arthritis affecting my fingers. I am on zomorph for arthritis pain, and I use heat, ice, braces for my knees. My fingers are getting so stiff lately I can't make a first. Does anyone else here have finger arthritis?


  • crinkly
    crinkly Member Posts: 159

    Unfortunately the finger and thumb joints are frequently involved in most types of arthritis and you will find plenty of relevant posts on this forum. Difficulty in making a fist is a classic symptom and there are ways of using heat or cold (depending on the degree of inflammation) as well as exercise to maintain as much hand mobility as possible.

    There is also clear explanation of the effects on finger joints and sound advice on coping with the problems on the VA site. I'm rubbish at posting links but if you put 'hand arthritis' into the search box I'm sure you will come up with lots of helpful hints.

    We are all different but if you have specific questions and say what type of arthritis you have I'm sure someone will be able to make helpful suggestions on this thread. 😯

  • Jona
    Jona Member Posts: 406

    Hi zdodgyknees,

    I have it in my hands mostly my thumbs, ive been sent some tens gloves by the pain clinic but not used them yet as hasn’t arrived but will let you know if they help but ive been using a tea towel i wet i and leave it in the fridge overnight and wrap my hands in it helps a little in the winter I use heat gloves believe it or not I bought mine at my local petrol station but you can buy hand warmers online

    good luck

    DODGYKNEES Member Posts: 103

    Hi @Jona thanks for the advise. 👍

    DODGYKNEES Member Posts: 103

    Hi @crinkly thanks for the advise 👍

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,879
    edited 31. Aug 2021, 06:10
  • airwave
    airwave Member Posts: 579

    I would like a hot wax dip to use for my hands but where on earth could I leave such a thing, it would get in the way in our house. I tend to wear gloves more than I used to, keep my hands in my pockets and use the car AC to keep warm these days. I don’t use walking sticks with horizontal handles because it’s painful to use and as for carrying things I just have to say no. Often even sitting still do8ng nothing hurts a lot. I don’t have a good answer for you.

    it’s a grin, honest.

  • airwave
    airwave Member Posts: 579

  • Scraggy
    Scraggy Member Posts: 1

    Hi , I have arthritis in my finger joints and have been advised to have finger joint replacement. I believe it's a new procedure and am terrified. Has anyone else heard of this?

  • JJx2
    JJx2 Member Posts: 5

    I have Arthritis in both finger joints. My Consultant prescribed me Naproxen 500mg and cream. I wish I could say that it has helped but sadly I am still in tremendous pain!

  • swimmer60
    swimmer60 Member Posts: 202


    My hands are full of arthritis. The top joint of the middle finger in my left hand is distorted and painful, also thumb joint on my right gets very painful if I overuse it, like pruning in the garden. I wore a splint for weeks and weeks and it did calm down. Now I am very careful intend to wear the splint when I get back to gardening. I love gardening. I do finger/ hand exercises every day, multiple times. I'm going to see my GP next month so was interested to read above about joint replacement, but honestly, only 4 months in from HRS I'm not keen on another op for quite some time.😒

  • I have a diagnosis of severe arthritis in my hands. The joints of my top and middle fingers, on both hands, are deformed and cause me a lot of pain. This is nothing compared to the pain caused by my thumbs - I can only describe it as someone injecting acid into my joints. As I am currently having my spine looked at, my hands seem to have been forgotten. Sadly, I am unable to take part in many of my hobbies - piano playing, ukelele and other instruments, cooking, and writing is just a no go for me anymore. I also try finger/hand exercises every day but the pain can be unbearable. I am currently taking Gabapentin, Paracetamol and Co-Codamol and Duloxetine. I would also be interested in finger joint replacement, but sounds scary!