
rgarybaldi Member Posts: 3
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:06 in Living with arthritis

Hi Everybody 😀

I know this has been put up before and I also put a post up some years ago about Fatigue it’s driving me insane, I have osteoarthritis in my toe & knees, I can deal with the pain although it really gets to me at times and does become unbearable walking with your feet feeling like there on fire unfortunately on top Im having trouble coping with fatigue I had blood tests and they say there fine yet I’m constantly worn out the more I do the weaker I get I was told to do more exercises which I have been doing but unfortunately I get home and literally collapsed with exhaustion. This has been going on for years I have tried everything unfortunately nothing changes any advice would be appreciated. Thank you


  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    If you are sleeping relatively OK the fatigue may be caused by something else like Fibromyalgia, look it up on the internet and see if you have any of the other symptoms and, if so, see your GP.