Recent diagnosis

Jmb161 Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:07 in Living with arthritis


I have recently been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.

I am currently struggling through the stages of getting medical help and waiting for appointments.

I have read a lot online but a lot of the info I have found can be very helpful but there is a lot out there to take it.

I have just found this page and thought hearing from people who have been through what I am going through might be the best way to go.

Any advice would be more than welcome!

My main issue at the minute is my pills / pain. I am now on Steroids to stop the pain which have been fantastic and made a world of difference but I am supposed to be coming off these. I am now also on methotrexate (hope I’ve spelt that right) which apparently takes around 6 weeks to start working.

I am on 3x 5mg of the steroid pills and have been asked to dwindle these down slowly. However whenever I go down to 2 I cannot use my hands and wrists and I need them for work so I end up going back to 3. Any advice on how to solve this would be fantastic.

Something else I would be really interested to hear people’s experiences on is nutrition. A lot of the info online can seem to slightly contradict other info, it is possibly quite individual?

anyway sorry for the long message and I hope I am using this platform in the right way.


