Joining in for the first time

Linda135 Member Posts: 4
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:07 in Living with arthritis

Just a quick message to say hello. I've only recently been diagnosed with OA in knees and one hip. I've been referred to a physiotherapist and following advice am doing my best to take gentle exercise. Some days that's hard because of the pain. Has anyone found Capsaiscin helpful? I've read reviews that sound promising.


  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,109

    Hi @LindaKemshall and welcome to the online community,

    You've just been diagnosed with OA in knees and hip and you're doing your best to take gentle exercise. You're also interested in Capsaicin and how effective it is.

    Gentle exercise is one of the best ways to keep mobile and it's also so good for our mental health - well done for wanting to help yourself in this way. The Versus Arthritis website has some really useful pages and videos on appropriate exercise - if you click on the right hand link that takes you to the VA website and type in 'exercise' you'll find a list of sites to have a browse. Have a look at the 'staying active' link below which will give you some ideas about how to start.

    Some of our members may have their own experiences of Capsaicin, but here's some information you might like to read about it on the VA website:

    It's great to see that you want to join in the online community! have a look round the various forums and join in any of the conversations - everyone is really friendly and I'm sure you will welcomed!

    Anna (Mod)

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