
Joellie Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:07 in Living with arthritis

Hi everyone,I am new here i apologise for the long post

I am 52 year old female and have always been quite active and of a good weight.

I've been having joint pains for about the last 5 years but in July I had an episode where I was so stiff in the mornings that I could hardly get out of bed and I had to go down the stairs sideways one at a time. My fingers and toes where swollen . I just felt so drained i thought I was getting the flu or something? This lasted for about 4 days which I mostly stayed in bed but the stiffness and tiredness in the mornings didn't let up. Then a few weeks later the same happened I felt like I had flu but it only lasted 2 days. I then started to get awful joint pains in my feet, knees, hips , lower back , hands and my shoulders.I had a couple more episodes so went to see my gp.  My gp sent me for xrays of my shoulders and hands which showed I have OA in both shoulders and both clavicles, and in the first and second joints of my fingers.

I then started to get very dry eyes, sore and itchy. Also pains in my chest. Gp referred me to see rheumatologist which was a 6 year waiting list on NHS so I went privately.

The rheumatologist did an ultrasound of fingers and toes he said its all osteoarthritis and all my other symptoms are probably down to menopause . i said i was already on hrt and he said I prob need the dosage changed.

I said about the pain in my lower back, hips and knees and he didn't look at them but said it was OA because if you have it in your hands it mostly always also occurs in lower back. 

I asked him if it was normal to have it in so many joints at my age and he replied it was probably down to genetics. He has advised me to start on celecoxib and to get an injection in the shoulder I have the most pain in. 

I feel so frustrated that this is something I can't really do anything about and am I going to have to be on painkillers for the rest of my life. I have horses and am finding it harder to look after them, muck out etc and riding isn't much fun anymore.

P.s all my bloods came back normal


  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,025

    Hi @Joellie and welcome to the online community,

    It sounds like you’ve had quite a journey so far to be diagnosed with osteoarthritis. It’s understandable that you feel that you are going to be on painkillers for the rest of your life and you can’t do anything about it. Many of our members have been through the same range of feelings as you and will understand what you’re going through.

    It might be an idea to talk to your GO about the pain you’re in. As well as prescribing you medication, they can also refer you to services that can help with your pain, whether it’s physiotherapy or a pain clinic where a variety of options are considered.

    Additionally, the Versus Arthritis information page on Osteoarthritis can be a good place to start finding out how you can manage your symptoms. The link is below - if you go to the Managing Symptoms section you’ll see a range of suggestions for what treatments are available and how you can help yourself:

    I’m sure you’ll find that the online community is a welcoming and supportive place - please do continue to drop in, ask questions or join in any conversation that you feel comfortable with.

    Best wishes,

    Anna ( Mod)

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