I’m new….

LizziPea Member Posts: 4
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:07 in Living with arthritis

I’m new to the group- do we call it that? … I don’t usually bare my soul or anything else… but I’m struggling with pain- I’ve known I have osteoarthritis in several joints for quite a few years, with my hands being the worst.

Having recently moved house I’m only just getting anywhere with orthopaedics. I’ve had a steroid injection for one trigger thumb & am on the waiting list for Trapeziectomy in one hand; which may be a year… They won’t treat both hands ‘at once’ which having worked in the NHS I understand but this means apart from splints & usual prescription painkillers I have nothing else for now….

can this be right? I’ve asked about additional pain relief but both the GP & consultant say no. I’ve tried CBD oil but wasn’t impressed & anyway to get a decent type it’s unaffordable.

Also- & sorry to drone on, but finances are tight- I can’t manage to work now & have already waited 3 months for a PIP decision. How long does it usually take?

I could really do with some friendly back up here.


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,733

    Hi Lizzipea,

    If your soul needs baring this is a good place to do it. We all need it at times.

    I've had RA and OA for many years and I moved house about 5 years ago and it's not a good combination. The extra work starts ages before and ends ages after.

    I can't help with PIP and, having tried supplements in my long lost youth, I'm not a great believer in them though I believe there is some evidence for capsaicin cream.

    My goto thing has always been exercises. Versus Arthritis has lots here https://www.versusarthritis.org/about-arthritis/exercising-with-arthritis/exercises-for-healthy-joints/ The Hands, Wrists and Fingers ones are some way down but some of the others might help too.

    And rest, using the splint. Frankly, with a splint you can do little other than rest but I did discover, by trial and much error, that attempting to work anyway with a splint on is really not a good thing.

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • ToneBlues
    ToneBlues Member Posts: 94

    Hi @LizziPea

    It's very good to have you here with us. We call ourselves an online community, but group is absolutely fine, and I am certain that this a place where you can find friendly back up and support - I notice that Stickywicket has already weighed in with some good advice 😊

    I see that you have osteoarthritis that is particularly affecting your hands - causing you significant pain, and that you are waiting for surgery - trapeziectomy on both hands. You are taking painkillers but would like some additional pain relief apart from steroid injections and splinting. You have tried CBD oil with little success, and as your finances are tight you can't afford to experiment with possible over-the-counter medication.

    We have a trapeziectomy factsheet which may help. The fact sheet seems to confirm what your GP and consultant say about pain relief options. Could you be due another steroid injection? As you are probably aware there is a limit on the number of steroid injections you can have each year.

    The following information is more generally about osteoarthritis affecting the hands -

    PIP assessments are usually quoted as taking around 12-14 weeks (my own took a little longer) so you might expect your decision soon, although there have no doubt been some delays as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Thank you very much for posting here - I hope that the above information is of some help - please keep seeking help and support here.
