Getting a second opinion

I got diagnosed with osteoarthritis in both my feet, ankles, knees, hands, fingers, wrists, spine and neck, in June. I hadn’t actually seen anyone face to face, just telephone calls. I had an mri on my spine 3 years ago and an ultrasound scan in September 2020. The Rheumatologist said I don’t need to be under rheumatology and my gp will carry on. I am going for a second opinion in a different hospital and would like some help. I’m not sure I could have OA in nearly every joint I have. I was 40 yesterday. Is there anything I should be asking?


  • Hi @stompboxmum

    Thank you for posting on the forum.

    I’m sorry to hear of your diagnoses of osteoarthritis which has affected so many of your joints. It can be so difficult to not actually see the doctor face to face and can add to the frustration and concerns. Generally speaking you would be under the care of your GP for osteoarthritis as so much of it is self-managed, the GP’s role in this would be refer to a consultant if this was thought to be necessary and to provide treatment.

    If your doctor was to suspect more of a auto immune condition, for example rheumatoid arthritis, firstly they would run blood tests to check for inflammation and take it from there. I hear your concerns and have given you a link to the NHS questions to ask the doctor, which I hope will be helpful to you, as well as our 'what is arthritis' information which describes the main types of arthritis

    You might like to call us on our freephone helpline: 0800 5200 520 (weekdays 9am – 6pm) here we can talk in more detail about how you’re feeling as well as providing information.

    Best wishes


    Helpline Advisor