Newly diagnosised with RA

DanDan Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:07 in Living with arthritis

Hello, I’ve recently this week finally been diagnosised with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Warming to see that such support groups are available for advice and support. I’ve been experiencing pain and waiting for a diagnosis for over a year now but feel some what shocked regarding this. I’ve had history of carpel tunnel, cubital tunnel and sciatica but generally have always been a very active person who finds it very hard to stay still!

I have two sons who keep me very busy and have been a dental nurse for 20 years I’m 37 years old but still feel 18 (unless I’ve been experiencing a flare up, which can leave me bed ridden). The thought of not been active is concerning me but hoping once medication kicks in the good days will out weigh the bad. I’m also a mental health responder at work so understand the importance of talking about feelings which was another reason why I think these groups are amazing.

look forward to hearing from others with stories advice etc

Dan 😊


  • jeddison1985
    jeddison1985 Member Posts: 211

    Hi @DanDan firstly let me welcome you to the forum I hope you find the information and support you are after from our wonderful community.

    I can see from your post that you have just been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and looking forward to joining the forum and the support that comes in well.

    The site is full of information and I wanted to signpost you to some information that may help as a newly diagnosed RA patient.

    I also picked up your worry about remaining active and how important that is to managing pain so a further link below to tips on remaining active.

    Please feel free to search the forum for others with similar experiences and I am sure that some of our community will be able to help offer some useful suggestions.

    Take care and I hope you get some relief soon.



  • Yvie
    Yvie Member Posts: 4

    Hi Dan.

    I have had RA since I was 40 so I fully understand how you feel and the concerns you have about the future. The right rheumatologist is key I think and getting on the right medication is also very important. That can take time sadly, but it is worth trying different drugs to see what works best for you. The effects are cumulative so it can take a few months before you really feel the benefits. I was taught very early on to listen to my body and rest my joints before things got too painful. I was also given exercises very early on to keep my joints moving. I avoid too much red meat in my diet and that helps enormously. Something to do with uric acid I think. Twenty plus years on I am still very mobile, play racketball, couch 2 5k and all with a replacement hip and shoulder. I am now on a biologic drug plus other medication and feel the RA is very well controlled. Stay positive and believe that you are in control of the RA, not that it is in control of you.