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Jennifer002 Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:07 in Living with arthritis

Hello, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in September and it has been overwhelming and I am finding it hard to adjust to having to give up work and the new way of living. I also have polymyalgia and on top of that had a stroke last March, which has left me with no physical disability but memory and cognitive issues. It is nice to see that there are support groups available for advice and support. I’ve been experiencing pain and have been on steroids but can't seem to decrease any lower than 15mg. I'm also on Methotrexate but have had to stop taking it twice since starting due to high blood test reading and also because on antibiotics.

I'm 62 years old and would like to hear the experiences of others as this has effected my mental health badly because when I experience a flare up, it leaves me bed ridden). The thought of not been active is concerning me but hoping once medication kicks in the good days will out weigh the bad. I’m also a mental health facilitator at work so understand the importance of talking about feelings which was another reason why I think these groups are amazing.

look forward to hearing from others with stories advice etc
