
Robin23 Member Posts: 3
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:07 in Living with arthritis

Hi everyone. I am hoping someone can give me some advice. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis last February. I was started on methotrexate but unfortunately I had a bad reaction so has to stop taking them. I have had 2 IM kenslog injections in the last nine months which have helped with the inflammation but not the pain. My Consultant wants me to start lefluomide but when I read the side effects they are the same as the methotrexate.. which is scary. Any advise would be helpful ..thank you.


  • Hi @Robin23

    Welcome to the online community! You are certainly in the right place for some advice, and you are not alone. I know it can be worrying when you are starting different medication, especially after experiencing side effects from previous medication, however this doesn't mean that it's not worth giving it a go. Have you expressed your concerns about this to your GP as they will know more about the likelihood of any side effects for you?

    Here is some of our information about medication which may be of interest to you:

    Here is another link with general information relating to rheumatoid arthritis which you may find helpful too:

    It's not always an easy journey when you are starting out and trying to find treatment that works for you, but you are not alone in this. We are all here to listen and many of our members have experience that they don't mind sharing.

    Please keep using the community when you see fit, and take care of yourself!


  • Robin23
    Robin23 Member Posts: 3

    I have an appointment tomorrow with GP ..thank you Sarah for your reply..liz