Feel stuck

I have degenerative discs in my back, arthritis in my foot and think same in my neck and hand. Does arthritis spread?

i also have maralgia parathesia in outa thigh which is playing up.on no medication or treatment, what can I do, going to the GP seems pointless .

any help advice


  • Jona
    Jona Member Posts: 406

    Hi @Cselvon

    Welcome, I’m sorry your feeling so stuck, maybe ask the gp to refer you to physio and pain clinic I know the waiting lists are long but they can help, you can ask your gp receptionist if there is a doctor who specialises in msk or orthopaedics and ask for an appointment with that doctor

    unfortunately my arthritis has spread to most of my body and trying to control the pain is enormously difficult I use heat and cold and tens machines and capsaicin cream and tramadol on bad days I try not to use too many drugs side effects are sometimes awful, exercise until pain tells you to stop

    the lovely people here will give you more advice but stay strong and take care 😊😊

  • Mike1
    Mike1 Member Posts: 1,992

    It is not a given that OA spreads to other joints but for some of us "lucky" ones it sure does!