Second flare up of osteoarthritis

Sezzie Member Posts: 1
edited 21. Feb 2022, 10:23 in Living with arthritis
Morning all. I'm just enduring the second flare up of osteoarthritis, which is more invasive than the first which was one knee. It seems to be my whole left side this time. It's been so long since the first, I thought it was gone. I exercise regularly anyway and am vegetarian. I wondered if anyone could give me pointers on how to cope? Thank you. It helps to know I'm not alone.


  • Tom
    Tom Member Posts: 522

    Welcome to the Community, @Sezzie .

    I see that you are having a second and more severe flare up of your osteoarthritis. Have you had the condition long? The following may seem like I am trying to educate my grandmother, but here are some links from our website that may be of help.

    Now that you have found the community, keep visiting, there are members out there who will have experiences that can help you.

    Good luck and let us know how you get on.

    Tom, Moderator.

  • airwave
    airwave Member Posts: 579

    It was generally accepted by the arthritis charities, medical staff etc that OA sufferers do not have flare ups as such. However I know that these things happen, it may be down to your exercising, a boom and bust regime, the weather or just an unfortunate co incidence? Time to learn more from this forum, become a detective and search this database. It’s near impossible for outsiders to know you well so take your time and get reading.

    its a grin, honest!

  • nicholaj
    nicholaj Member Posts: 64

    From what I understand flare ups tend to occur with RA as that is an autoimmune illness causing inflammation. OA is wear and tear of joints leaving them degenerated. This is a ‘constant’ and in itself cannot result in flare ups.

    Having said that the pain can define worsen at times and so can feel like it is flaring up.

    Posture, lack of exercise, too much wrong exercise and other issues can contribute towards the pain getting worse. For instance I have OA in my lower back, hips and particularly my left knee.

    I decided to go out litter picking today. Consequently all my damaged ‘bits’ hurt worse tonight but knowing that there has been no extra damage caused by my choice of activity this morning, I’m quite accepting of the discomfort I am now feeling.

    Also protecting ourselves from causing pain to a particular spot can result in compensation movements in other parts of the body causing them to then hurt. Best to carry on trying to move as normal.