Struggling with everything


I have been back amd forwards between rheumatology and orthapaedics with various diagnoses and they have settled on hypermobility syndrome, osteoarhritis in my knees, feet and hands along with fibromyalgia and possibly inflammatory arthritis. I also have hip impingement.

I am in pain all the time and really struggling to get everyday tasks done. I have also been under exceptional stress with work recently which has exacerbated symptoms. I've exhausted all opiate pain relief being either allergic or intolerant of them. I take gabapentin and duloxetine which help a bit.

I try to go out for a short walk every other day (I need a day for my knee to recover in between) but other than that I am mostly housebound. I can drive but find getting in and out of the car really difficult.

I need help in how to make adjustments and look at whether I am eligble for practical support or benefits to pay for help e.g. cleaning but I don't know how to start. I don't feel like my GP understands how much this impacts my life and that I feel like my life is over despite being 41.

Any advice would be gratefully recieved.


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,696

    Hi @Roopy

    Just a very quick welcome to the Online Community from myself I can see your post is directed at the helpline team, but please do feel free to pop over and chat to our members. They may have some ideas to help you which you haven't thought of already.

    Life With Arthritis might be of most use to you:

    but if you wanted some distraction from your pain you might find Chat and News of interest:

    Best wishes


  • helpline_team

    Hi @Roopy and thank you for posting on the forum

    I am so sorry to hear that you are in pain all the time and struggling to get everyday tasks done. This can be so hard to manage, which isn’t helped by your GP not understanding your situation.

    Your very welcome to give us a ring on our helpline: 0800 5200 520 (weekdays 9am-6pm) sometimes talking things through can be helpful, and we can talk in further detail about what’s going on for you.

    I’m wondering if you could ask your GP for a referral to a pain clinic, which might be useful for you. I’m glad to hear that you have a short walk every other day as keeping moving is important, you also mention stress which unfortunately can exacerbate symptoms. It might be helpful for you to have a needs assessment in your home, this would be carried out by an occupational therapist. They can help with aids and gadgets that might also be useful for you. You can call your local council and ask for the adult social services who can help.

    I noticed that Ellen has given you a link to ‘life with arthritis’ if you repost on that forum, you will have more replies and sharing experiences can be so beneficial.

     I have given you a link to our information regarding financial support, as you ask about benefits and welfare rights.  You could also speak to your local citizens advice bureau who would be able to advise and turn2us who too would be of help, their helpline number is: 0808 802 2000 (9am-5pm weekdays)   

    I hope this is of some help.

    Best wishes


    Helpline team