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Ct1956 Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:07 in Living with arthritis

Have been diagnosed 10 years plus with osteoarthritis, had many meds some which harmed my stomach. Now take 30mg twice a day alongside 2 times a day paracetemol. Really bad shoulder pain not helped by physio. Have recently started turmeric with black pepper think it is helping a little. Anyone else had relief with this?


  • Hi @Ct1956

    It's lovely to here from you! It sounds like you have plenty of experience seeing as you were diagnosed 10 years ago but this is an ever changing condition as we all very well know, and it's often a case of trial and error before the right sort of treatment that agrees with your body and actually makes a difference is found!

    I'm sorry to hear that you are still in such pain with your shoulder after physio. This is often the case for a short time as the areas that are manipulated are stretched and agitated a little, but you should also eventually see some benefit (although frustrating this could be in the long term!)

    We have some tips for shoulder pain which could be useful to you, although you might have tried every trick in the book already:

    I have heard a few people mention that they take turmeric, and that this seems to help, but I have no experience with this myself. Here is some of the Versus Arthritis information regarding supplements/ alternative remedies:

    I hope you find something that works for you soon- there are plenty of amazing resources and members on the community who are willing to help and lend an ear. Please keep in touch with us and continue to join in where you feel comfortable!

    Take care,
