Failed right knee replacement

Hi has anyone else had failed knee replacement? Had right knee replacement four years ago then two years ago revision surgery. Now got to have whole thing out and start again. I'm on crutches unable to walk and in pain ++


  • Anna
    Anna Moderator Posts: 1,055

    Hi @Jacknee and welcome to the online community,

    You've had a right knee replacement followed by revision surgery two years later. You now have to have further knee replacement surgery as it has previously failed. That must be very painful and I understand you are on crutches.

    I'm sure there are members on the forum who will share with you their experiences of knee replacement surgery and whether it was successful - if you put 'knee replacement' into the search bar on the right hand of the page, you can see other posts on the same topic.

    After several operations, you are probably quite familiar with what knee surgery entails. However, you might find the Versus Arthritis information on knee replacement useful - it talks about how you can help prepare for surgery and how to help your recovery as well as some of the complications that can arise. There might be some useful tips there:

    You may have heard of the Joint School, which is a service that offers advice to people who are waiting for knee or hip surgery - here's the link below:

    Do let us know how you're getting on, and keep posting with any questions you may have.

    Anna (Mod)

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