

I am on the waiting list for a replacement knee due to OA in left knee. I have a lot of pain in this knee. My right knee has quite suddenly become really painful. I am waiting for a physio appointment. My pain at the moment been is really bad. I take codeine, amitriptyline, pregablin, and sertraline (I have fibromyalgia as well). I also use the capsaicin cream. I am trying to keep mobile.

I have just been signed off for 2 weeks but feeling very bleak about how to cope work pain.


  • helpline_team


    In the run up to a joint replacement it can be a very painful time. I'm not sure if it's the soon to be replaced knee you are worried about. Unfortunately it's quite common for gait changes to affect the better joint (ie the way you walk putting pressure on the other knee).

    It sounds as though you are doing very sensible things - it's really to keep moving, so your muscles don't weaken before surgery. (Surgeons have been stressing this and have coined the term 'pre-hab'.)

    You've not mentioned healthy eating and weight - but it's also helpful to eat a balanced diet and lose any overweight.

    When you are managing life with fibromyalgia too, you might want to have a look at information on the NHS website about sleep hygiene, as supporting good sleep patterns is beneficial.

    Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee | Knee pain | Versus Arthritis

    Why not give us a call so we can support you? 0800 5200 520 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm

    All the best

    Guy - Helpline Team

    ADRIAN Member Posts: 18

    HAD accident& work 20+ yrs back . CLAIMED industrial accidet benefit . 2000 awarded 10% % spine issue for life , unless got worse . BEING now 2ND degenrative changes , mobility issue standing more 1, 2 minuites walking range 20- 50 meteres without sitting . OR pain goes 2,3 to 6, 8 . IF i apply to be reassetnment / medical ???. USE TO went to local DWP/ DSS medical centre had medical by doctor . BUT local dwp med centre is no longer . SINCE APRIL 2016 BENEFIT PENSTION REFORMS. IS the INSUSTRIAL ACCIDENT INJUSTRIAL DIESES STILL & MEDICAL ??? carreid out by doctors employed by dwp ???. OR is it now contracted to likes ATOS ??? assetnnment not medical ????. just like PIP , UC50 ASSETNMENTS ???.. CAN they take away or give lower % than thw 2000 award for life . ?????. AS in last 3 years got lot worse its degenrative . thancks adrian

  • helpline_team


    Thanks for your message. If you'd like some support, why not ring us on our freephone 0800 5200520 Mon-Fri 9am-6pm Mon-Fri

    If you'd like some specialist welfare advice you may prefer to make an appointment with Citizens Advice, or ring Turn2us on 0808 802 2000

    If you are unsure what to do next, do ring us and we will try to help you think it all over

    Kind regards

    Guy - Helpline Team